Carpet Cleaning Suggestions for Pet Owners

PowerPro Carpet Cleaning of NJ
6 min readJun 13, 2022


Due to the fact that carpets are more difficult to maintain than hard floor surfaces, having pets and having carpets in your home may not seem like the best match for you. However, there is no reason why you can’t enjoy the benefits of owning a carpet while still having furry pals living in your home. The two do not compete with one another in any way.

Pet hair

The rapid accumulation of fur in a carpet, which then becomes entangled among the fibers of the carpet, is one of the most significant challenges faced by carpet owners who also have pets. It is likely that you will need to use the vacuum cleaner at least three times per week in order to maintain control of the accumulation of fur. If there are areas of fur on a carpet that just won’t come loose, you can try to loosen them by adding a mixture of fabric softener and water to the area, letting it dry, and then running the hoover over it. This should help release the hair.

You can also acquire a variety of instruments, such as rollers, that are excellent at removing fur from carpets and furniture. Some examples of these items are described below.

Remember that prevention is always preferable to treatment, and that the best way to reduce the quantity of fur that your pet loses in the first place is to groom them on a regular basis with a gentle brush.

Little disasters

It doesn’t matter how effectively a pet has been trained to use the bathroom in the appropriate location; it’s inevitable that there will be tiny accidents from time to time. This is especially true if your pet is young or if you’ve only just brought it into your home. Even while finding out that your cherished carpet has been used as a toilet might be upsetting, if you respond quickly, there is no need to worry about any long-term damage being caused as a result of the incident.

Therefore, what should one do if a pet messes on the carpet? Utilizing an absorbent towel, the first step is to remove as much excess moisture from the carpet as you can. After working the solution into the stained area, take a cup of warm water, add several drops of liquid detergent, and mix it all together. Give the area cleaned with the cleaning solution a thorough rinse.

Because it is common for pets to go over the same spots on a carpet that they have already soiled, even if you believe the carpet to be clean, there may be odor remnants that have been left behind that other animals can detect. White vinegar that has been diluted with some water should be blotted into the affected area to eliminate any remaining odors. This should be done to avoid any further accidents. Using a book as a weight, place a layer of paper towels on top of each other, and then stack those paper towels on top of the carpet to remove any remaining moisture. To eliminate odors even further, sprinkle some bicarbonate of soda over the affected area, then let it sit there for the entire night before vacuuming it up.

Put on some gloves and remove as much of the solid mess as you can from the carpet. Solids that are left on the carpet, such as feces or vomit, will also need immediate treatment, so remove as much of the solid mess as you can. You might use a putty knife to press into the area surrounding the mess and then move the knife in to scoop it up, or you could use a baby wipe to gather up the mess. However, some pet owners swear by using a putty knife to press into the area around the mess and then moving the knife in to scoop it up. It is imperative that any remaining residues not be pressed or rubbed into the carpet once as much of the solids as possible have been removed. Pour soapy water with a few drops of white vinegar added to it over the soiled area, and then let it sit there for about ten minutes so that the vinegar may work its magic. Baking soda can help get rid of any lingering smells if it is sprinkled over the area after the wetness has been absorbed by an absorbent towel.

A carpet cleaning company that works with pet owners will have the knowledge and tools to make sure your carpets are completely clean and free of any stains or smells. The two do not compete with one another in any way.

Infestations caused by pests

When you own pets, one of the drawbacks is that they are more likely to contract fleas, ticks, and worms. This is especially true if your pet spends a lot of time outside. Even though there are many different treatments available to stay on top of pest infestations, it is certain that at some point in the course of your pet’s life, they will become infected with a pest. And because of this, it is possible that your carpets will also be impacted.

Frequent vacuuming is the most effective method for removing unwanted bugs and their eggs from a carpet. When you vacuum, make sure to use the nozzle attachment so you can get into the corners and around the baseboards. If you have a bagged type of vacuum cleaner and you think there might be insects or rodents hiding in a carpet, toss away the bag after each time you use the vacuum cleaner.

Muddy markings

If your pet has been outside, there is a good chance that they will come inside with mud on their paws, which may leave unpleasant traces printed across the carpet. These prints will be particularly obvious in high-traffic areas, such as the entrances to your home. Even while you might be tempted to start working immediately away to remove them, the best plan of action is to leave them alone (at least for the time being) and let them to dry out first. After the marks have had time to dry, it will be much simpler to remove them using a vacuum cleaner. You can eliminate any lingering stains by using a clean cloth that has been dipped in warm soapy water. After the stain has been eliminated, wipe the area with cold water and then pat it dry to remove any remaining moisture.

If you want to protect high-traffic sections of a carpet, like the entrances to doors, you could also invest in a mat or rug to go over that area, which can be readily washed. This would be a good idea if you want to safeguard those regions.

Avoid scratching.

You shouldn’t try to stop your cat from scratching because it is in their nature to do so and it helps them keep their claws in good shape, so don’t get in their way. On the other hand, this does not mean that you should stand by and watch as they tear your cherished carpet (or any other furniture) to tears.

If you notice your cat sharpening its claws on the carpet, remove them from the area immediately and position them close to a scratching post so that you can teach them to use it instead of the carpet. If cats repeatedly return to the same spot on your carpet, they may be attracted to pheromone fragrances. If this is the case, add some bicarbonate of soda to neutralize any odors that may stimulate carpet scratching behavior.

Cleaning by a professional

Even if you don’t have any furry companions in the house, you should still have your carpets cleaned by a professional at least once a year. However, once you do have pets, you should have your carpets cleaned by a professional about once every six months. If pets have a habit of soiling carpets on a regular basis, this task may need to be performed more frequently.

A professional cleaning service will have the necessary tools and experience to remove all traces of filth and pet residues from deep inside a carpet. In addition, they will be able to effectively deodorize the carpet, which will result in the elimination of any unpleasant odors. Get in touch with our carpet cleaning company in Manalapan, New Jersey, if you want to learn more about how to keep your carpet in the best condition possible, whether or not you have dogs. Professional cleaning is one of the best ways to do this.



PowerPro Carpet Cleaning of NJ

We are a professional carpet cleaning service located in New Jersey. we have been providing our professional services in Monmouth County for over 25 years.