Pushkar Pawar.
2 min readJan 26, 2024

Who is chat gpt founder and CEO sam altman.

Sam is well known enterprenur and innovator in the tech industry.

He is co-founder of open ai, a leading artificial intelligence research laboratory, and has been a prominent figure in the development of ai technology.

Sam is born 22 april 1985 and grew up in St. Louis, Missouri he show in early intrest in technology and enterprenurship and went wont to study in Computer science at standford university.

After graduation from standford. Sam is co-founded location based social networking startup colled loopt. The company achieve success eventually acquired by green dot corporation.

In addiction to his work with openAi Sam has also been involve in prestigious startup accelerator Y combinater, he helped guide and support numerous eary stage startup, provide mentorship and funding opportunities.

Sam’s passion for artificial intelligence led him to co-founded openAi in 2015,with the goal of promoting and developing ai a safe and beneficial manner for humanity. Under his leadership, openAi had made significant advancement in ai research and has become a leading voice on the ethical and societal implications of Ai technology.

In the addiction to his wark in the tech industry, Sam is known for his advocacy of universal basic income and other income and other progressive social and economycal policies. He has been a vocal proponent of using technology and innovation to address pressing global challenges.

Overall, Sam altman’s leadership and vision have had profound impact on the tech industry and development of artificial intelligence his dedication to advancing Ai in an ethical and responsible manner has solidified his reputation as a pioneering figure in the field.