What makes a good life?

Zhuang Xin Yu(莊芯瑜)
2 min readSep 11, 2020


The ways to pursue a good life are a matter of opinion. To me, there are three major ways to make a good life.

To begin with, having a healthy body and mind not only protects us from illness but makes us full of energy to live a good life. I plan to make jogging and meditation long-term habits for developing a strong mind and healthy body. Moreover, I am slated to improve my diet by removing sugar, sticking to the habit of drinking two-liter water daily, and having my food from the source. As I see it, a healthy body and mind are the most basic but essential elements to a good life.

Furthermore, financial independence plays a vital role in making a good life. One benefit is that being financially independent allows us to have more time and resources to explore our abilities, passions, and dreams and determine how best to incorporate that into our work. Another advantage is that we are in a better position to look beyond ourselves to see who we can serve. To meet this end, I have to be attentive on my spending. And when I enter the workplace, I will learn to manage my finance well and seek for the professional’s help to better it.

Next, maintaining close relationships with friends and family could help us get through hard times. Besides, it makes us feel connected and supported because we believe someone is truly there to offer a listening ear or some sage advice. One method for enduring relationships is that I regularly find time to make real contact with them for the relationships to flourish. Other ways are be grateful for their devotion to me and be compassionate to their undesirable behaviors. I will do my best to make relationships close and long-lasting as wished.

In summation, a good life can be realized through a health body and mind, financial independence and close relationships. It is time for me to go ahead full throttle on my targets and enjoy my good life one day.

