3 min readJun 8, 2023


1. List down all the Models of SDLC.

1. waterfall modelàSequential model and it is straightforward

client->Initial phase->Analysis->Design->coding->testing->Delivery and maintenance->client.

It could be better when a client comes to ask for changes.

2. prototype model →building->testing->reworking.

3. spiral modeL →circulation of the waterfall model. (waterfall +prototype model)

4. v-model →verification and validation

5. Agile model → Flexibility, collaboration, iteration.



2. What is STLC? Also, Explain all stages of STLC.

The software testing lifecycle identifies and documents any defects or errors/bugs in the software application.


1. Test planning

2. Test Development

3. Test execution

4. Test result

5. Bug tracking and reporting.

1. Test planning →derived from the software specification document.

Test planning is creating a document and writing an overview of the project level/details. The team leader(70%) and team manager(30%) verify the testing document.

2. Test development/design →test case documentation.

A test case contains inputs, procedures, execution and condition.

3. Test execution →Execution of the test case, preparation of test report and test log to identify defects or bugs.

4. Test result →It compares the expected and actual outcomes and explains the complete testing procedure.

5. Bug Tracking and Report →find a defect and report the defect to the developer.

3. As a test lead for a web-based application, your manager has asked you to identify and explain the different risk factors that should be included in the test plan. Can you provide a list of the potential risks and their explanations that you would include in the test plan?

Software test types to be conducted on web application

During the testing, the web application finds out the different risk factors. In test planning identify the software requirement specification and check the functionality, performance, and security testing.

Risk factors:

Password-based attack → Use weak passwords and send data unencrypted in the code injection.

Performance testing →Performance testing involves placing the software through a variety of conditions to see how well it handles them in terms of speed, stability, and scalability.

Insecure design.

Software and data integrity failure.

4. Different between QA and QC:

5. Difference between Manual and Automation Testing?


  1. Performed by quality assurance and testing team
  2. Manual testing is time-consuming taking up human-resources
  3. Anyone can test
  4. Test cases are executed manually
  5. It is less costly
  6. Accuracy is low.


  1. Performed using software testing tool
  2. Automated testing is executed by software tools, and is faster than the manual approach
  3. Faster test cycles
  4. Test cases are executed with the help of tools.
  5. It is more costly
  6. Accuracy is high

