It’s on! Welcome to!

6 min readNov 8, 2018


After 20 days, 13 hours and 14 minutes of diligent work by members of the PPIO team, our official website has finally been launched online!

Yes, 14 years ago we were the first P2P technology team in the Eastern Hemisphere. Our journey began on a warm afternoon in the spring of 2004. Because of the horribly slow internet speed, the screen kept lagging, freezing for 30 seconds while Kobe Bryant’s shot was still in the air, so that by the time the internet caught up, the next play was half-over. To this day we still don’t know if he scored that goal. Without even waiting till graduation, we then began to build our own P2P live network in the close quarters of our college dormitory for the sole purpose of being able to better watch basketball.

Better connection means better basketball.

We are lucky in that we were able to experience the various stages of P2P technology moving from the laboratory to actual implementation. Through the contribution of each person and each PC, we were able to converge more and more bandwidth, and just as many drops of water converge into an ocean, so the streaming experience was greatly enhanced. The enthusiasm of friends and investors ignited the flame that quickly turned into PPTV, our first company. Over the past 10 years, and through several economic cycles, we have always focused on ensuring that our 450 million users can fully enjoy watching movies and sports games without any streaming issues. Last night’s reliable live streaming of the NBA finals was possible because of hundreds of people’s hard work, thousands of negotiation calls, business deals with 30 carriers, and large amounts of money. P2P is a huge and complex information transmission network. Both the physical layer network environment and the connections between carriers greatly impact user experience. If data are like the many streams of water flowing down from Lake Itasca, most of which end their flow between mountain peaks, then we want to be the Mississippi river, bringing all those data points together.

Looking back, all the stories that are now in the past were the prelude to the first movement which begins today. In the beginning, the construction of P2P network relied on the passion of a few dedicated people. Today, with the addition of blockchain encryption and consensus algorithms, as well as incentives, more people from around the world are participating in the construction of a large scale decentralized P2P network platform, resulting in more stable sharing of services. We want to establish the cost effective, most stable and most privacy protection-focused app development environment in the world. To reach this goal, we are working with Google Developer Group to explore how P2P technology can reduce the cost of existing cloud services by 90%. We are working with Dorahacks, a North American block chain developer community, to respond to P2P technology enthusiasts’ pressing demand for efficient and reliable network infrastructure. Each member of our team has been working as a developer for over 10 years, from the clueless 286 to today’s core 7. We understand that a for a coder, having a stable and efficient development platform is like driving a Dodge in the wind on Highway 1. We hope to build such a highway, so to speak, for you.

At the same time, we hope to connect all the idle disks and bandwidth resource providers, because each person was a sponsor for our budding dream. For example, we discussed with Pavel, a 12-year-old developer from Kyiv, how to set up interface calls so that he does not need to use the money earned from shoveling snow for his neighbor to pay for AWS. PPIO will support his animation producing app already with over 2,000 users which he continues to develop in the upcoming future. Before long, your PC, router, set-top box, and even flash memory will all be able participate in mining. Storage resources sitting dormant will be awakened, dynamically connecting dreamers from all over the world. In the past, we participated in mining only for the returns we would gain, but now we take pride in our real technology and endless creativity!

This is the future world we are longing for. To reach this goal, we are willing to go to every corner of the world, warmly embracing every new financial supporter who shares our dream.

Today we are very pleased to show you the official website of PPIO:

Allow me to introduce our official website layout.

Under the Guide Tab, you can quickly learn about the structure of our technology and how we have created a stable and reliable platform for developers on the foundation of open, friendly and reliable core design concepts. For the SDK of PPIO, we will also have detailed guides on how to make your APP development cheaper and more efficient than ever before.

Guide Tab on

Under the API Tab, we have done our best to ensure that our API storage service is similar to Amazon’s S3 storage service, so that developers can migrate previous programs to PPIO’s API without much cost.

API Tab on

Under the Projects Tab, you can see the seeds of creativity grow freely. For now they may just save you a little storage space, but in the future, they will replace all the IDCs operated by ice-cold machines and occupying thousands of acres of land, putting the power back in your hands.

Projects Tab on

Under the Blog Tab, we will keep you up to date with the progress in our technology and our observations of blockchains. We will ensure that everything that happens here is not only up-to-date, but also out in the open.

Blog Tab on

Under the Github Tab, we have included a link to the PPIO Git community. This is our way of taking another step to open ourselves up to the world, and we look forward to you joining, and await your detailed critiques.

GitHub of

In the bottom right corner of the official website, you will notice links to PPIO’s various social sites where you can choose how you would like to follow us. In addition, you can subscribe to our emails to receive the latest information about the project. We hope you can become long-term partners with us!

Thoughts have no boundaries, and we can connect stars in our dreams; but Armstrong’s first step on the moon was the culmination of more than 300,000 people laboring for decades to realize a shared vision. While many people blindly tout slogans of changing the world, constantly changing their visions, we have kept our heads low and pressed on day and night, repeating the endless cycle of ideas, tests, attempts and debugs. Success does not come from taking the broad and easy road, but it is found in the narrow alleyways, where we must repeatedly summon courage to conquer self-doubt and catch rays of hope. Fortunately, we have been preparing for this for 14 years. We cannot wait to say hello to the world. Hello! PPIO, the first decentralized storage platform in the world to truly set foot on the ground.




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