Peter K
6 min readJun 27, 2019


I am going to show you how to set up a Fiverr gig that all the top-rated sellers on Fiverr use.

Let’s get started:

  • Create a Fiverr account.
  • Setup your gig.
  • Create the gig image (clear striking image)
  • Create the gig video (a video explaining your gig)
  • Optimize your gig (SEO keywords: url, heading, description, tags)

What Is Fiverr

Fiver is a legal platform for job seekers or freelancers. Fiverr justifies that if you have any skill you can subscribe on Fiverrand apply your skill or talent — set up your gig — show your experience and earn money.

Gig Title

IMPORTANT! A Gig’s first title generates its URL. When you first create a gig and you choose a title make sure it is the best title describing your gig and has the relevant keywords in it, because you can’t change the URL later on.

When you decide to change your gig title later on, your url will still have a good description and will have all the relevant keywords. You can now change the title to be more readable.

Clear and concise titles perform better.

Use a verb after the “I will”; like create, do, write, promote etc. Make sure to include keywords related to your gig so that Fiverr's internal search and search engines can find and place you in the right category.

It is not critical to get every word perfect, but make sure that the words that describe your gig is being used in your gig title, search tags, gig description and even in your questions and answers section.

Fiverr is an international marketplace with people joining from non-English speaking countries.

Choose the best keywords that describes your gig, but keep them simple. You can check synonyms of the same word on google that might be more understandable by non-native English speakers.

It is very important to not make grammar and spelling mistakes.

Your gig title is the first thing a potential buyer will see, so when they see an error it will stop them from clicking on your gig. From the buyer’s perspective, if he sees an error he might think that your service will be full of errors too.

You can use Ginger Grammar software to help you with your grammar and spelling. It can show you grammar and spelling mistakes in any textbox as you type.

Fiverr gives you one word to capitalize to grab buyer’s attention. Think about the best word describing your gig or which word will provoke an emotional response from the buyer, example (definitely, exactly, excellent, expert, effective, stunning, etc).

Numbers are a time-honoured trigger for buyers to pay attention to your gig.

Our brains are attracted to numbers because they automatically organize information into a logical order and displays importance. In this example, there is two numbers. The first number tells you that you will get 2 logos (bonus) and the second number gives time. Always try to compare these numbers with other gigs on Fiverr.

You can go to the advance marketing institute to analyze your gig title to receive a score, but don’t tress about a low score. The important thing is that your title should grab your own attention.

Gig Packages

Fiverr has 3 packages within a gig that you can use, basic, standard and premium. Your basic package is usually the test package where people can buy your gig cheaply to check out your skill level.

Once clients get to know you they will opt for your standard and premium packages. You can fine-tune your gigs as you deal with people and their comments.

Gig Description

5 Steps For A Gig Description

  1. Intro — Capture the buyer’s attention.
  2. Bio — Describe who you are and what you do.
  3. Description — What is your gig about.
  4. Basic package — Describe what you will get from the basic package.
  5. Call to action — Invite the buyer to order your gig.

Keep it short and to the point.

Example: “Tired of gigs not boosting your website traffic like they promised?”

2. Description

Describe the result the customer wants and what your gig is about.

Example: Do you want to SELL your products or services in a BIG way? I can rank your website on the top search engines.”

3. Bio

Show some social proof i.e. why they need to buy from you:

Example: “I have been in web development and SEO for 10 years working with multinational companies.”

4. Basic package

Make it clear what you get from the basic package.

Example: “You will get an on-site SEO audit of the main keywords.”

5. Call to Action.

Example: Buy my basic package and see your website reach the top ranking.”

Fiverr has released statistics that Gigs with a video describing your service sell 220% more than those without.

You can create a video explaining your service by talking on camera. If you don’t like to be on camera you can do a slide show or use a seller on Fiverr to make you a video.

Gig Extras is where you make your money. Upselling your client is key to a successful gig. See the gig extras as a complete package when you pair them with your gig.

Given that most people won’t leave feedback unless prompted, try adding a postscript to each of your delivery templates asking buyers to leave a rating and comment if they found the Gig valuable. Fiverr don’t really like when you ask clients to give you a good rating so use this at your own discretion.

You can include a 100 per cent money-back guarantee on your Gigs. Be careful, however, cancellation stats are publicly visible and can be a red flag both to buyers and sellers.

SEO (search engine optimization)

SEO is nothing more than putting your keywords in your title, URL, description, tags and gig picture. Search engines need these keywords to understand what your gig is about.

So that’s it, the fundamentals of a Fiverr gig setup. If you follow these steps you are guaranteed a successful gig. Just remember to promote your gig everywhere.

Popular Articles

✔ Another good article on how to audit your gig can be found here.

Originally published at on June 27, 2019.

