Nicotine Hair Loss: How Smoking Affects Your Hair and Scalp

Healthy Vibe
6 min readAug 17, 2023


If you are a smoker, you probably know that smoking can harm your health in many ways. But did you know that smoking can also affect your hair and scalp? Smoking can cause hair loss, hinder hair growth, and cause hair staining. In this article, we will explain how nicotine and other chemicals in tobacco smoke can damage your hair follicles and scalp, and what you can do to prevent or reverse the effects of smoking on your hair.

How Nicotine Causes Hair Loss

Nicotine is the main addictive substance in tobacco. It is also a stimulant that constricts your blood vessels and increases your heart rate and blood pressure. This means that nicotine reduces the blood flow to your scalp, which deprives your hair follicles of oxygen and nutrients. Without enough oxygen and nutrients, your hair follicles become weak and prone to falling out.

Nicotine also increases the production of free radicals in your body. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage the DNA of your cells, including the cells in your hair follicles. Damaged DNA can impair the normal growth cycle of your hair, leading to thinning and shedding.

Nicotine affects your hormones as well. Nicotine can increase the levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that causes male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness. DHT binds to the receptors in your hair follicles and shrinks them, making them produce shorter and finer hairs. Over time, DHT can cause your hair follicles to stop producing hairs altogether.

How Smoking Affects Your Scalp

Smoking not only affects your hair follicles, but also your scalp. Smoking can cause inflammation, dryness, itching, flaking, and infections on your scalp. Smoking can also reduce the collagen production in your skin, making your scalp less elastic and more prone to wrinkles.

Smoking can also stain your hair and scalp with tar and nicotine. Tar is a sticky substance that accumulates on your hair shafts and scalp, making them look dull and dirty. Nicotine is a yellowish substance that can discolor your hair and scalp, especially if you have light-colored hair.

How to Prevent or Reverse Nicotine Hair Loss

The best way to prevent or reverse nicotine hair loss is to quit smoking. Quitting smoking will improve your blood circulation, reduce oxidative stress, balance your hormones, and restore the health of your hair follicles and scalp. Quitting smoking will also improve your overall health and reduce the risk of many diseases.

However, quitting smoking can be challenging for many people. If you need help to quit smoking, you can consult your doctor or a smoking cessation specialist. You can also use nicotine replacement products, such as patches, gums, lozenges, inhalers, or sprays, to ease the withdrawal symptoms. You can also join a support group or use online resources to get advice and encouragement from other people who are trying to quit smoking.

Another way to prevent or reverse nicotine hair loss is to use best red light for hair growth. Red light therapy is a treatment that uses low-level lasers or LEDs to stimulate hair growth. Red light therapy works by delivering red and near-infrared light to your scalp, which penetrates into your hair follicles and activates their energy production. This increases the blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients to your hair follicles, which helps them grow stronger and thicker hairs.

Red light therapy also reduces inflammation, oxidative stress, and DHT levels in your scalp, which helps prevent further hair loss. Red light therapy is painless, safe, and effective for both men and women with different types of hair loss.

There are many studies that support the effectiveness of red light therapy for hair growth123. For example, a 2014 study found that red light therapy increased the hair density of 41 male subjects by 35% after 16 weeks of treatment1. A 2013 study found that red light therapy improved the hair growth of 20 female subjects by 37% after 26 weeks of treatment2. A 2017 study found that red light therapy enhanced the hair growth of 100 subjects with alopecia areata by 51% after 24 weeks of treatment3.

How to Use Red Light Therapy for Hair Growth

If you want to use red light therapy for hair growth, you have several options. You can visit a professional clinic or salon that offers red light therapy services. You can also buy a red light therapy device for home use.

There are different types of red light therapy devices for hair growth available on the market. Some are handheld devices that you have to move around your scalp manually. Some are wearable devices that you can put on like a cap or a helmet. Some are panel devices that you can place above or around your head.

The type of device you choose depends on your preference, budget, and convenience. However, there are some factors that you should consider when choosing a red light therapy device for hair growth, such as:

  • The number and type of light sources. The more light sources the device has, the more coverage and power it can provide. You should also look for devices that use lasers or LEDs, as they are more efficient and durable than incandescent bulbs or fluorescent tubes.
  • The wavelength and intensity of the light. The optimal wavelength for hair growth is between 650 nm and 700 nm, which is in the red and near-infrared range. The optimal intensity for hair growth is between 3 and 6 joules per square centimeter (J/cm2), which is the amount of energy delivered to your scalp per session.
  • The treatment time and frequency. The treatment time and frequency depend on the device you use and the severity of your hair loss. Generally, you should use red light therapy for hair growth for 15 to 30 minutes per session, three to four times per week, for at least three to six months.

Before using red light therapy for hair growth, you should consult your doctor or a dermatologist to make sure that you have no medical conditions or medications that may interfere with the treatment. You should also follow the instructions and precautions that come with your device. You should avoid looking directly at the light source, as it may damage your eyes. You should also keep your device clean and store it in a safe place.

The Benefits of Red Light Therapy for Hair Growth

Red light therapy before and after hair growth can be amazing with many benefits, such as:

  • It stimulates hair growth by increasing blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients to your hair follicles.
  • It prevents hair loss by reducing inflammation, oxidative stress, and DHT levels in your scalp.
  • It improves hair quality by enhancing hair thickness, strength, and shine.
  • It is painless, safe, and effective for both men and women with different types of hair loss.
  • It is convenient, affordable, and easy to use at home.

Red light therapy for hair growth can help you restore your confidence and self-esteem by giving you a fuller and healthier head of hair. If you are suffering from nicotine hair loss or any other form of hair loss, you may want to give red light therapy a try.

Have you ever used red light therapy for hair growth? What was your experience like? Did you see any results? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments below!

