7G : Intelligent Communication of the Inevitable

Poondru Prithvinath Reddy
4 min readMar 23, 2020


Next Step in the World of Mobile Connectivity.

The cellular wireless Generation (G) refers to a change in the nature of the system, speed, technology and frequency, and each generation have some standards, capacities, new features, etc which differentiate it from the previous one.

7G (seventh-generation wireless) is the inevitable intelligent cellular technology. 7G networks will be able to use higher frequencies and provide substantially higher capacity and much lower latency in communications. Our requirement of very high bandwidth, and nearly non-existant latency, and universal integration will be met by 7G. We’re always demanding more from mobile & wireless computing like more speed, more bandwidth, more connectivity and overall more potential.

The 7G radio networks will provide the means of communication and data gathering, and is expected to facilitate large improvements in the areas of Imaging, Location awareness, Data analytics, AGI( Artificial General Intelligence ), and next generation computation capabilities via HPC and quantum computing. Also the computational infrastructure of 7G will be able to autonomously determine the best location for computing to occur which will be mainly the mobile device itself.

The level of capacity will be unprecedented in 7G networks and will extend the scope & capabilities of 7G applications in support of increasingly new, intelligent and innovative applications across the field of wireless cognition, sensing and imaging. 7G’s higher frequencies will enable significantly better throughput.

Edge and core computing will become much more seamlessly integrated as part of a combined communications/computation infrastructure framework by the time 7G networks are deployed. This will provide many potential advantages as 7G technology becomes operational, including improved access to artificial general intelligence (AGI) capabilities. With substantially more data created by 7G networks, and the evolution of computing to include coordination between edge and core platforms, the need for datacenter evolution and management of data will be paramount.

7G will have profound implications in public safety and in addressing critical issues such as:

  • Threat detection
  • Crime control
  • Mind reading
  • Health monitoring
  • Facial recognition/expressions
  • 3D Image synthesis
  • Air quality measurements
  • Disaster preparedness
  • Gas and toxicity sensing
  • IOT device management

The seventh generation of cellular wireless communications will integrate & converge a set of previously disparate technologies, including Deep learning, AGI, Mind reading, Big data analytics, etc. In addition the core communications network fabric will also transform as many new technologies converge with 7G. Most notably, AGI will take center stage with 6G. There is a potential for a so called “nano-core” to emerge as a common computing core that encompasses elements of both HPC and AI. Assuming this potential vision is realized, the nano-core will be a logical collection comprised of a web of computational resources, shared by many networks and systems. In generations beyond 5G, network operators will be connected to one single core — a nanocore. Combined with artificial intelligence, this nanocore will transform the mobile and wireless service that exists today.

7G aims to provide space roaming at very high data speeds using satellites that are already in existence such as those for global navigation, earth imaging, telecommunication, etc. The telecommunication satellite will be used for voice and multimedia communications; the navigational satellite will be used for global positioning systems (GPS); and the earth-image satellites will provide us with up-to-the-minute weather updates and help with things like natural disaster preparedness.

Needless to say, 7G will form the framework of a fully-connected world of cheap, fast Internet service with wireless speeds of faster orders of magnitude up to 11Gbps and the ability to tap satellite communication networks using specially designed nanoantennas.

Several application areas envisaged for 7G — including the Internet of Everything (IoE) and all its machine-to-machine communication apart from robotic and autonomous drone delivery and transportation. It would also likely be the solution for technologies like “high-fidelity” virtual reality, which consumes about 50 times the bandwidth of a high-definition video stream and which doesn’t currently work well enough due to wireless limitation.

Remote diagnostics from doctors to patients (living in rural areas) would get significantly easier, and so the state of remote business conferencing, remote learning and education via mobile devices. Similarly, because 7th generation wireless mobile-communication networks would integrate satellites for global coverage, there would be very little (if any) mobile network uncovered area. So, if one is living in a mountain range or in some remote village , he would still have medical care and excellent mobile coverage, thus closing the digital divide.

The capabilities that 7G is expected to provide are :

· High speed signal transmission

· AGI core networking

· Non-existant latency

· AI-powered network management

· Virtual space environment with realistic sensations

· Internet cognition

· Continuous computing

· Remote access for diagnosis, learning, education, etc

· Internet of everything( IOE)

· 7G is proposed to integrate with satellite networks for global coverage

Our mobile potential is enormous: Smart cities, Connected infrastructure, Wearable computers, Autonomous driving, Virtual and Augmented reality, Internet of Things, and much more are still yet to be made good use of. Only by looking ahead to 7G with space roaming potential, we get a glimpse of what may be possible in the next few years. Certainly 7G will appear sooner than we think as human progress moves faster and faster with time and we humans are becoming more machine integrated. So, maybe direct person to computer information exchange is possible by means of a rudimentary thinking interface with the technology universe i.e. think about a cup of tea, and it is produced for you.



Poondru Prithvinath Reddy

Computer Science, Robotics & Autonomous Systems. Founder of Unilinxs Technologies & Reddyware