Artificial Superintelligence : An Intellect that Never Before Existed

Poondru Prithvinath Reddy
5 min readDec 13, 2019


Our Future in the Age of Super Intelligent Machines

The pace of progress in artificial intelligence is astonishingly fast and it is growing at a rampant pace. Tech firms such as DeepMind , etc as well as countless academic teams at leading technical universities all over the world, have been working for years on the creation of an AI with a neural network capable of all the mental functions humans posses. Unless one has direct exposure to groups like Deepmind, you have no idea how fast AI is growing. However, it is fascinating to see how AI is transforming lives right now in its early stages of narrow intelligence: from disease detection to artificial organs, autonomous driving to manufacturing.

Evolution — the process by which different kinds of living organism are believed to have developed from earlier forms and evolution has created intelligence — the humans, but we are the most “exceptional” form of life in existence.

The process of evolution has created intelligence, to create AGI (artificial general intelligence; equal to humans) or even ASI (artificial superintelligence; surpassing human intelligence), we will all means need to follow the copy of the process of evolution or natural selection.

Artificial superintelligence is a term referring to the time when the capability of computers will surpass humans. “Artificial intelligence,” which has been much used since the 1970s, refers to the ability of computers to mimic human thought.

Presently, we have ANI (artificial narrow intelligence); AI that is good at specific tasks. Example a self-driving vehicle won’t be good at predicting weather forecast, but it is intelligent at driving. In the future, we are aiming for AGI which can drive cars, predict stocks and everything in between.

Designing AGI is basically creating the human brain, on a computer. For now, we are only able to simulate part of human brain activity on a computer. We still have a long way to go.

It would be ideal if AGI designs itself. AI designing AI and through Genetic Algorithms, it is possible to achieve self-design. One of the most incredible applications of GA ( Genetic Algorithm ) is creating computers at the AGI or even ASI level of intelligence.

We have already created computers that run and perform powerful computations. However, what is lacking in our powerful computers is to run intelligently. So , we can use our super powerful computers and have them use the genetic algorithm to find the best structure for their code.

In order to test intelligence, we need to run the structured codes on various tasks. This functional step will be very lengthy and complex. General Intelligence has tons of components, we would be testing the code on many functions from image recognition, to the ability to drive a car, to solving disease related problems, to making stock price predictions. This may take many years to develop.

ASI are theoretically capable of triggering a “runaway reaction” where an artificial intelligence far exceeds human capacity and starts to manipulate or control humans in specific ways.

Cancer has been around for as long as we can remember, the first cancer patient dates back more than 5 thousand years. We have invested billions of dollars into cancer research and drug discovery, and we have not yet busted the cure. We have tons of researchers and leading universities around the world working on this problem yet it’s been too complex to solve thus far.

Moreover let us just find cure for cancer! Climate change, Alzheimer’s, Paralysis, Drug discovery, Longevity. For all of human history, we have been tackling these pressing challenges and ASI will possibly solve them without any difficulty.

There are undeniable advantages to be found in the creation of superintelligent AI. The realization of such supremely advanced AI platforms or networks is not likely to occur for a decade or so, however it’s tools like high-speed, low-code development platforms may be among the solutions that could be thought for this purpose.

At first, the AGI will have the Intelligence of an infant struggling to grasp new concepts. Over time, it learns enough to reach the Intelligence of an average adult and subsequently that of the smartest known humans. But again, it doesn’t stop there.

This process compounds at each new level of intelligence until it reaches the incalculable level of superintelligence. If left unchecked, an AGI will self-improve into an ASI, an intellect that has never before existed in nature.

This means there will be no practical limit to how much this ASI can learn and how much it can self-improve. An ASI mind will eventually outperform the human mind by way of superior speed of thought, enhanced memory, untiring performance, and instant upgradability.

How smart ASI would be and whether it is even worth considering it . Experts feel may be ASI won’t be a bad thing as it can find solutions to our pressing problems. Moreover there’s potential to advance our species as everyone can be intelligent and ASI will transform our everyday life into human plus machine.

However, there is a real danger that computers will develop intelligence and take over our functions.

One of the biggest fear associated with ASI technology has been that of its unstoppability. Experts feel that the ASI technology will be so advanced that it will turn more powerful and cannot be stopped by humans. The ability of the ASI-enabled systems will be so much that the machines will be able to produce several outcomes and prevent any attempts to stop it.

However, It is difficult to predict what ASI will do to humanity. Moreover, it would probably take ASI minutes to cure cancer. Some researchers even believe that ASI will be eternal and free to explore the universe forever. ASI may enable us to visit other planets or even galaxies and may be universes. ASI will be smart enough to solve all of our pressing problems and humans would be left to do whatever they want. Will ASI take us away from the notion of life or when we are made valueless and “good-for-nothing”, only time will tell.

Though ASI still remains a speculative concept, experts believe that it isn’t too long before the technology to become a reality.

Despite the fear and complexities associated with the ASI technology, it is understood to have the capabilities to solve some of the pressing challenges of our time like climate change, feminine and even cancer cure. While the technological developments are largely about a future, it is still too early to fear the machine’s capability or predict the future course of action.



Poondru Prithvinath Reddy

Computer Science, Robotics & Autonomous Systems. Founder of Unilinxs Technologies & Reddyware