Scalar Waves: They’re quicker, wireless and They Could Transform Intelligence-enabled Machines

Poondru Prithvinath Reddy
5 min readOct 19, 2023


A Life-changing technological leap, If we could enable technologically advanced machines with Scalar Energy.

Scalar waves are a well-known phenomenon and they occur naturally in Nature (e.g., thoughts, DNA, food), and are are non-linear, non-Hertzian waves, that have the ability to carry information. They travel faster than the speed of light and do not decay over time.

Waves affect human life. We rely on waves when we talk to others, and see things all because of waves. Waves transfer energy in different forms, and animals use wave motion to propel themselves through there surroundings.

Wave speed is not a vector and it is scalar. The real life examples of scalars are volume, density, mass, time, etc. Other quantities, such as force and velocity, have both magnitude and direction and are called vectors.

The wave-function( ) is a scalar in the sense that it doesn’t change under a coordinate transformation , and on the other hand, a vector means a collection of components that transform to linear combinations of themselves under a coordinate transformation. Scalar waves are three-dimensional self-contained waves that spin on one fixed axis. These non-linear waves disseminate throughout the bodies through elaborate collagen networks.

Nikola Tesla demonstrated the existence of Scalar energy or as according to Tesla, Radiant Energy. He worked to harness this energy without the need for wires and as a wave carrier for telecommunications, and he believed that when this energy is harnessed correctly it had endless possibilities.

DNA is the molecule that carries genetic information for the development, functioning, growth and reproduction of an organism. DNA is made of two linked strands that wind around each other — a shape known as a double helix. The DNA helix, is an example of Scalar Energy, and what makes it unique is it’s a carrier wave that can carry frequencies and penetrate solid objects. Within the cell nucleus, the vortex model of the magnetic scalar wave also explains the channels in the matrix form when two cells communicate with each other. Potential vortexes are an essential component of a scalar waves, and the characteristics of the potential vortex are significant. With its concentration effect, it allows enormously high information density in the nucleus. With the introduction of the magnetic scalar wave, it becomes clear that such a wave is suitable to use genetic code chemically stored in the base pairs of the genes and electrically modulate them, so as to “bring” information from the cell nucleus to another cell. At the receiving end, the reverse process takes place and the transported information is converted back into a chemical structure. The necessary energy required to power the chemical process is provided by the magnetic scalar wave itself.

The human brain is a scalar energy generator that repetitively creates patterns of scalar waves via the activity of thought. Since the brain and nervous system processes high frequency discharges, the human brain can create and detect scalar waves. Thus a human being can often generate space-time effects at a distance and through time. This offers an exact mechanism for higher senses such as direct cognition, cellular telepathy, molecular transmutation, etc. and consequently, properly guided thought diametrically affects the function of the personal scalar cellular/organism field manifestation. Every single thought absolutely affects the observable state of the body-mind system and our thoughts co-create our own personal reality hologram due to the fact that thoughts are scalar wave configurations of transharmonic patterns of electromagnetic energy radiation, which create specific patterns of scalar frequency. Wandering and directionless thought produces chaotic information arrays resulting in ineffective manifestation abilities. Conversely, thought guided by clear intention produces organized information within the personal morphogenetic field manifestation. Human beings that can combine experiential knowledge with thought guided by clear intention reclaim one of the most potent form of scalar power and thoughts will eventually materialize into reality in this space-time vector.

Therefore, specific sound frequencies can assist the human body and Specific sounds and images unequivocally can alter our consciousness. Sound is more powerful than light and is utilized as an energetic carrier for certain frequency tones that activate elements that affect the chemicals in our body, which in turn affects the DNA. As such sound is itself neither scalar nor vector quantity, but speed of sound is scalar quantity.Therefore, our intelligence-enabled autonomous machines like Robots, Drones, Self-driving vehicles, etc must be able to sense the energetic encryption behind sound if one is to be able to know the beneficial intentions and frequencies to be independent or carried on without human control.

In addition, DNA is influenced by waves and frequencies, and 90% of the protein DNA is of non-coding type , often misrepresented as “junk DNA”, that serves as data storage and communication suggesting that living chromosomes function just like solitonic/holographic computers that are capable to recode our DNA.

Scalar energy of subtle energy frequencies is generated naturally but it can also be artificially produced. However, various experiments were conducted to determine the effects of scalar energy and these experiments proved that this energy has the potential to positively improve the responses of living organisms.

The scalar energy can carry information and scalar waves are all around us and scalar-wave technology can help in creating high dense, superconductive coherent energy fields while being infused with restorative information. This phenomenon of scalar energy could be a game changer for autonomous machines like robots as robots have senses in form of sensors and Robotic sensors are used to estimate a robot’s condition and environment. Sensors in robots are based on the functions of human sensory organs and these signals are passed to a controller to enable appropriate behavior( just like DNA). Robots require extensive information about their environment in order to function effectively and to transfer the benefits of scalar energy to robots body material components which means to transfer scalar waves into the cells of robots. The scalar-wave technology also ensures that the electrical charge that is being produced artificially will reach and go throughout the robots body’s material membranes. This is crucial to robot’s ecosystem as they hold robotic sensors together.

Scalar waves — type of waves are longitudinal waves of potentials and have wireless energy transmission capability. Scalar energy is formed by the creation of a static energy field and it contains circles of energy that radiate outwards in balanced networks, which help in creating a field of live energy systems. And if the application of this energy is intertwined into ecosystem of intelligence-enabled autonomous machines then it will surely be a revolutionary for technological advancement, but requires changes in materials that make these body’s to act as carrier wave for information.



Poondru Prithvinath Reddy

Computer Science, Robotics & Autonomous Systems. Founder of Unilinxs Technologies & Reddyware