My Divine Shelter: A Journey Through Storms

Patricia Lantigua
1 min readApr 20, 2024

When I look back In the vast expanse of time and space,

You’ve been my refuge, my saving grace.

Through tempests fierce and trials dire,

You’ve shielded me from the enemy’s fire.

When dark clouds gathered, and thunder roared,

Your hand was there, my soul restored.

In the midst of chaos, when all seemed lost,

Your love remained, at no great cost.

Through raging seas and raging hearts,

You’ve guided me with your gentle arts.

Dodging bullets aimed to wound,

Your protection, like a fortress, surrounded me.

In the shadows where danger lurked,

Your light pierced through, and evil shirked.

You held me close, in moments bleak,

And whispered words, the peace I seek.

With every step along life’s path,

You’ve walked with me, defying wrath.

In every trial, in every test, though I didn’t understand then,

You’ve proven faithful, the very best.

So here I stand, in awe and praise,

For all the wondrous, mysterious ways.

You’ve carried me through storms untold,

And kept me safe in Your stronghold.

To You, O God, YEHOVA , my heart I raise,

In endless worship, in ceaseless praise.

For in Your arms, I am secure,

Forever and always, ever pure.

— PL —

