Beautiful… skin & beyond

Priyanka Sinha
3 min readOct 31, 2023


Photo by Loren Joseph on Unsplash

A little girl, quiet & withdrawn

made to feel why she’s born ?

In a land where people are brown

& the weather hot

the fair ones call the shot.

She feels the guilt & abhor

for no fault of hers

as dark she’s born

& fair she couldn’t opt…

Is it a colonial hangover ?

or the caste system disclosure

that is …the higher, the lighter

She’s too young to decipher.

Festivals ought to bring joy & thrills

She picks up a frock that’s red & has frills

Show the same in pastel & subdued

someone suggests to the shop dude

He hands over the red one

to the much fairer cousin

but the little girl doesn’t whine.

She grows up to be

shy, awkward & low on confidence

emotions bottled up ,

there’s never a peck or a pat

the lighter sister claims all that,

& she’s taught not to answer back.

Education was advised, the only way

not to stand on her own feet

but to compensate for the other gambit

prospective groom can compromise

if not lovely, she’s at least wise.

As always , she does what she’s told

cracks an exam , gets into a college to behold !

That was her first brush with a lead

that the youth brought ahead

that was no ugly duckling turning into swan tale

but celebratory saga of her hues of caramel

When told she’s amazing

She’s caught unawares

as clearly not used to such praising caresses

instilled with the degree & the new found “dusky beauty” fame

She’s different now & that changes the whole ball game.

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Years turned into decades

here she’s at the crossroads again

as she notices the lines on her face

& silver in her thinning mane

we live life in phases, she wants to tell the little girl in her

& thank her for everything she endured

which made her appreciate things hard earned

To the young lady, she wants to express her gratitude

because she’s the one who gave her strength & attitude.

She knows courage, kindness & gratitude

are the badges of honour

as age peers through the mirror…

The doctor in her, gestures to her to roll out the yoga mat

as it is time now to pay attention to the creaky joints &

build up those muscles , staying fit is the case in point.

To be able to travel the rest of the road with dignity & grace,

No skin deep beauty, now she wants beautiful pancreas !

Photo by kike vega on Unsplash



Priyanka Sinha

Hi ! I am Priyanka from India 🙏 A dentist by education, a wife & mom to 3 boys . "Magic of mundane" That's what I call my write ups, tales & tussles as I see