7 min readOct 17, 2019

A Conceptual Discussion of The Helix Fundamental Particle Theory

I currently believe that all subatomic particle types in the universe are made up of one type of particle in the shape of a helix. The shape of this particle supports adding classical mechanics into our quantum and relativity theories and for these to be unified into one cohesive theory.
Thinking of the subatomic universe in this fashion gives us the ability to apply classical mechanical thought processes to the subatomic world because it gives us a way to explain how an electron can stay in orbit around a nucleus without being attached. A helix is the only particle that has the ability to cluster together into larger groups of particles that make up subatomic particles but that also has the chance to send energy backward when it collides with another group of particles. This thought process can give us a deep understanding of all interactions of the subatomic universe.

Electron Orbits

In a classical mechanical universe, how can an atom exist? When the world is viewed through the lens of the Helix Fundamental Particle Theory it is easier to conceive of a classical mechanical atom.

When a subatomic particle is viewed as a cluster of helices ejecting and absorbing individual helices you can conceive of how classical mechanics can be applied to the subatomic universe. For example, if a helix is ejected from a cluster of particle, as it is ejected the average rotation of that cluster of helix particles making up the subatomic particles will cause that single helix to be clipped and have a spin in a gear ratio fashion. The spinning rotation is important to the formation of orbital shells. This is because due to the shape of the helix particle, its interaction with the next particle it runs into can either be a push or a pull. This is because as it moves through space the natural twist it has along the center axis(that is the axis in the center of the spring shape) means that as the helix particle enters the next cluster of particles, chances are that the first point of contact that the helix particle will make will be along its twist axis and not its spin axis. Giving that particle the chance to send the cluster of particles it has joined in the direction from which it came.

With this in mind, the determining factor for the direction that the particle sends the group of particles that it has joined is the direction it is facing when it joins that helix particle group. For example:
If the individual particle has made a quarter turn - it will be pulling at a 90-degree angle to the particle it came from. 
If it has made a half turn, it will be pulling at a 180-degree angle to the particle it came from which is actually a push. 
If it has made a 270 degree turn it will be pulling at the opposite 90-degree angle than it did at the quarter turn. 
And if it makes a full 360 it will be pulling directly toward the group of particles it was sent from. 
This means that electron orbits will exist at the two areas where the angles are 90 degrees as well as all other instances where the particle is pulling at a 90-degree angle. The frequency of a particle coming in contact with another particle decreases as the distance from the particle increases thus the further away from a particle you are the less influence it has.

Particle Charge

We can see that the influence that a particle has on the area around it has much to do with the size of the particle. So our perception of what a particle’s charge is has much to do with its size and rotation. Due to the gear ratio principle the larger the group of helix particles that ejects the single helix particle out, the slower the rotation of the single-particle. Also the faster the rotation of the cluster of particles the faster the rotation of the single helix particle. 
This means that there is no such thing as a negative or positive particle in the truest sense. All particles are attractive, some just have tighter and thinner orbits that give us the illusion that it has no attraction but the attraction is in such tight bands that the overwhelming influence it has on the space around it is negative.

Particle Formation

When an individual helix particle is ejected from a group of particles it will eventually run into another particle or group of particles. When this happens that individual particle goes from being in a state that we observe as charge to being a part of a particle. When a large number of helix particles cluster together that's when we start to get most of our observable particles that we know today.
The closer two particles are to each other the greater the chance that their ejected helix particles will collide and form a new particle. 
The new particle that is formed will have the average rotation of the two-parent particles. Meaning that if both the parent particles are negative than the newly formed particle will also be negative. This is a well-known fact for if two electrons move toward each other they will repel each other and emit a photon. 
This interaction doesn't just happen between electrons but also happens between protons and neutrons as well. The difference is that in the neutral interactions a neutrino is emitted and in the positive interactions a graviton is emitted.

Radiant Particle Propagation and the Wave-Particle Duality

The thought that when two particles have their helices interact with one another a new particle is formed gives us tremendous insight into the wave-particle duality we observe in radiant particles like photons. When two particles are moving through space, like two photons for example, when they move toward one another their colliding helices create a third photon. Those three photons will form two more photons making the total five. Those five will make three more which gives us eight total and this pattern continues as long as the particles have the mass to support the formation of new particles. (I know that the last sentence was controversial, to suggest that photons have mass. This will be discussed in the following paragraph) This wave-particle duality also happens in all radiant particles: photons, neutrinos, and gravitons. The only difference is that negative particles can be absorbed into positive particles or reflected off negative particles.
Now to address photons having mass. In this theory, all particles have mass since moving helices are the carriers of energy. This means that the distance a photon can travel from its source is dependent on how massive the photon is.
This concept of waving particles make radiant particles have interesting speed repercussion. Some of the particles formed would be moving faster than their parent particles. So taking into consideration the charge of 'sibling' particles formed between 0 and 45 degrees of the parent particles the speed of the new wavefront would probably be something like 1.6 the speed of the parent particles. Meaning that outside the effects of gravity and time dilation the wavefront of a group of radiant particles is constantly accelerating at this speed. The only time it's not accelerating at this speed is when another wave of slower gravitons in higher concentration are acting on it and the force from the helices coming off the gravitons is causing the wavefront to slow down and move with a constant speed. This also applies to neutrinos and gravitons.

Strong and Weak Force

Viewing strong and weak forces through the helix particle theory brings up many interesting facts. To understand the inner dynamics of an atom we need to understand the dynamics of positive and negative particles. Positive particles are generally larger and less reactive to the influence around them. Negative particles are more reactive to the influence around them. 
This is due to the fact that negative particles are not able to bring any particles into their inner orbital shell due to the fact that their orbital shells are so small and volatile so negative particles just bounce off of each other. 
A positive particle can bring any particle into its inner orbit which allows the positive particle to change the absorbed particle into a copy of itself, changing its rotation and size. This happens to all adsorbed particles within the inner orbit of the dominant particle. All particles will be the average of the dominant particle. All particles will be held within this inner orbit due to the angle that the helices are sending the particles out. This is the effect that we know as Strong Force, when a particle gets into the inner orbit of another particle and is held at close range. 
If there is a good economy between all the particles eventually a second particle will continue to be fed until it becomes the same size as the dominant particle. As this is happening it will be moving towards the edge of the first orbital ring. When it's the same size it will be pushed outside the orbital ring causing a second proton to form. This is what is known as the weak force.


The Helix Fundamental Particle Theory is the most divergent in the area of relativity. The Helix Theory changes relativistic mechanics from being centered around a "Space-Time Continuum" to a "Gravitational Governor" System. This was hinted at in the discussion about radiant particles. 
It is a well-known fact that time dilation is an outcome of gravity, the more gravity particles are exposed to the slower they move through time. In the Helix Theory time dilation due to the fact that there are more radiant particles in the form of gravitons in areas of greater gravity. The increased helical pressure causes particles to move slower causing a perception of slowed time. This same effect is seen as particles move toward the Radiant Speed Barrier which we experience as the speed of light in a vacuum. The increased speed causes the atoms to interact with more gravitons until the force that the particles are accelerating with is equal to the force that the gravitons are exerting on the particles.
This hypothesis has interesting implications for deep space where gravity has little effect. In an extremely low gravity environment, the Radiant Speed Barrier is almost non-existent since there is no Gravitational Governor. That means that all particles that can accelerate experience no time dilation in space where no gravity exists. That is if there is such a place where no gravity exists.