Nassim Nicholas Taleb: Bitcoin is the First Organic Currency

2 min readJul 17, 2018


An authoritative, globally renowned scholar, economist and trader — Nassim Nicholas Taleb — who authored the Black Swan theory has talked about Bitcoin. By the way, the Black Swan theory which talks about an unpredictable game-changing event has allowed some traders to earn over 1 bln dollars. So it’s worth listening to what this scholar has got to say.

Global uprising

Nassim Taleb expressed his opinion of Bitcoin in the introduction to a book about cryptocurrency by Saifedean Ammous. In particular, Taleb believes that we’re now witnessing a global uprising against conventional assets, against the centralized system of finance management, against the inefficient actions by the top financial elite. Bitcoin is the foundation of this macroeconomic uprising.

Organic currency with no country

Bitcoin has no single center of control; it belongs to a multitude of people and is developed by a group of enthusiasts. Taleb thinks that Bitcoin is undoubtedly a currency, even though without “its own country”. This is the first organic currency which is not controlled by central banks and governments and can be used by citizens from any country. Taleb feels that Bitcoin’s technical problems will be overcome, and it will become truly public.

Bitcoin’s uncontrollability, Taleb says, “provides us, the grassroots, with insurance against a future as pictured by George Orwell”, i. e. against turning community into totalitarian barracks.




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