3 Ways to Make Money on FansTime App

Fans Time
2 min readOct 23, 2018


FansTime is a block Chain based business willing to fully explore, develop, nurture and give back to talents’ individual value.In order to fulfill this ultimate goal, our team has developed the App called FansTime. Released in March this year, with 120,000 active daily users and ongoing profit sharing mechanism, this App has got warm welcome from our global communities.

Celebrity Stock

Quote from investopedia.com “A stock is a share in the ownership of a company. Stock represents a claim on the company’s assets and earnings. ” Similar to this definition, Celebrity Stock represents a claim on the celebrity’s earnings. Holders can get dividends based on the share of Celebrity Stock and the quantity of earnings made by the celebrities.

Celebrity Stock

Celebrity Time

More like tokens, Celebrity Time can be consumed for buying items on FansTime App and their price are not fixed. It also can be subscribed and traded like Celebrity Stock, but it won’t generate dividends.

The data of SBFIVE listed on Dapp

Profit Sharing Mechanism

Profit Sharing Mechanism built for FTI holders went very well in the past few months and will keep going in the future. Join this simply by transfer your FTI to the FansTime App and wait for daily profits coming from the App. We do announce the latest relevant data on dedicated twitter account.

Introduction of Profit Sharing Mechanism
Data we sharing on social media channels

No matter you own FTI or not, you can make money from FansTime App. Join our telegram group or follow our social media channels if you are interested.

FansTime Official Channels:

Website: https://fanstime.org/english.html

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FTI_Foundation

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FansTime.FTI

Telegram Group: http://t.me/fanstimeglobal

Medium: https://medium.com/fanstime-foundation

