Product Roadmap Process : Sublet My Place (Part 1)

Prabhavathi Matta
4 min readMay 9, 2018


Business Goal

A marketplace for users to sublet their place (either a part or entire place) for a shorter period of time (eg: 3 months during summer internship).

Three sub-business goals

  • Provide a space for renter to post a listing to sublet their place
  • Provide an avenue for rentee to view and filter multiple listings
  • Provide a platform of communication between renter and rentee


  • Airbnb : Airbnb is mainly catered to very short-term stay
  • Craigslist : Not very user-friendly
  • Facebook marketplace : Mainly renting for longer term and too many irrelevant posts
  • Apartment List : Renting for longer lease

Target Customers

  • Students
  • Interns
  • People transitioning between jobs


Persona A
Persona B

User Stories

  • As an apartment renter, I want to sublet my spare room so that I can lessen my rent burden
  • As as student, I want to sublet my entire apartment for 3 months during my summer trip to so that I will not lose my beautiful place when I return
  • As an intern, I want to rent a room for 3 months during my summer internship so that I do not need to lease entire apartment
  • As a student, I want to rent a room within 1 mile from the university so that I can save time going to classes
  • As a city-lover, I want to rent a furnished place in the city so that I can have friends come over
  • As a father of 2 kids, I want to temporarily sublet a place of 3 bedrooms before transitioning into the new job in the city so that I can search for a cheaper rented place in long term
  • As a mother of 1 infant, I want laundry on site so that I can save time
  • As a pet lover, I want to rent where cats are allowed so that I can bring in my cat
  • I want a private bath so that I do not waste time in sharing a common bathroom
  • As a father of 2, I want parking facility such as attached garage or carport so that I can park my car

Feature List

  • Ability to filter by listing type : Entire space/private room
  • Ability to filter by duration of stay : 1 month, 3 months, 6 months
  • Show price tag on the picture
  • Search feature on title and description
  • Ability to upload multiple photos
  • Ability to upload video
  • Ability to filter by number of bedrooms: 1 bedroom, 2 bedrooms, 3 bedrooms
  • Ability to filter by location: geographical region, city
  • Radius to certain Location
  • Ability to select furnished or not
  • Ability to select private bath
  • Ability to filter out if pets are allowed: dogs ok, cats ok
  • Ability to filter by housing type: apartment, condo, house, in-law, manufactured, townhouse
  • Ability to post laundry information: laundry in unit, laundry on site, no laundry on site
  • Ability to post parking information: attached garage, off-street parking, carport, no parking
  • Search feature on options
  • Ability to sort by price
  • Ability to sort on bedrooms
  • Ability to sort on radius from location

Prioritization Matrix (aka Stack Rank method)

Value: 1–10, where 1 indicates the feature has minimum contribution towards achieving Value and 10 where there is high positive impact on achieving Value.

Effort: 1–10, opposite ranking. 1 is most effort 10 is least effort.

Prioritization Matrix (Stack Rank Method)
Prioritization Matrix (Stack Rank Method)

MoSCoW Method of Prioritization

Rank features by classifying them as MUST, SHOULD, COULD, or WON’T, with respect to whether they should be included in an upcoming product release.

MoSCoW Method
MoSCoW Method

Now that we have prioritized, let’s look at some design prototypes for the app in Part 2

