Demystifying K-fold Cross Validation

Ramprabhu Sreekrishnan
3 min readMay 17, 2023


In the world of machine learning, we often encounter the challenge of evaluating how well a model will perform on new, unseen data. This is where K-fold cross validation comes into play. In this blog post, we’ll break down the concept of K-fold cross validation using simple terms, provide intuitive examples, and offer additional resources for further learning. Let’s dive in!

Understanding K-fold Cross Validation:

K-fold cross validation is a technique used to estimate how well a machine learning model will generalize to new data. It involves splitting our dataset into K equally-sized parts or folds. The model is then trained on K-1 folds and evaluated on the remaining fold. This process is repeated K times, with each fold acting as the evaluation set once. The results are averaged to obtain a reliable measure of the model’s performance.

  1. Fold 1 (Validation): We set aside the first 20 images as our validation set. Training: We train our model on the remaining 80 images.
  2. Fold 2 (Validation): We set aside the next 20 images as our validation set. Training: We train our model on the remaining 80 images (excluding the validation set).
  3. Fold 3 (Validation): We set aside the next 20 images as our validation set. Training: We train our model on the remaining 80 images (excluding the validation set).
  4. Fold 4 (Validation): We set aside the next 20 images as our validation set. Training: We train our model on the remaining 80 images (excluding the validation set).
  5. Fold 5 (Validation): We set aside the final 20 images as our validation set. Training: We train our model on the remaining 80 images (excluding the validation set).
K-Fold Cross Validation

Benefits of K-fold Cross Validation:

  1. More reliable evaluation: K-fold cross validation provides a robust estimate of a model’s performance by averaging results across multiple validation sets.
  2. Effective data utilization: It ensures that all samples in the dataset are used for both training and evaluation, maximizing the use of available data.
  3. Model comparison and selection: K-fold cross validation allows us to compare different models and select the one that performs consistently well across different folds.

Conclusion: K-fold cross validation is a valuable technique for evaluating machine learning models. By dividing the dataset, training on subsets, and averaging results, we obtain a reliable estimate of a model’s performance on unseen data. Incorporating K-fold cross validation into our machine learning workflow helps us make informed decisions and build better models.


  1. Sebastian Raschka, “Model Evaluation, Model Selection, and Algorithm Selection in Machine Learning” — Link to Article
  2. Jason Brownlee, “Introduction to K-Fold Cross Validation” — Link to Article

These references provide further insights and explanations about K-fold cross validation, allowing you to delve deeper into the topic.

Remember, K-fold cross validation is a powerful tool for improving model evaluation. Apply this technique in your machine learning projects and unlock the potential for more accurate and reliable model performance estimation.



Ramprabhu Sreekrishnan

“Experienced data scientist and machine learning engineer skilled in Python programming & MLOps process.