Database Management System vs Relational Database Management System

Prabodhi Nirasha
6 min readAug 15, 2023



What is a Database Management System ?

Database Management System(DBMS) is a collection of programs that manages the database structure and controls access to the data stored in the data base.

For examples : Microsoft SQL Server, File System, Microsoft Access, XML, etc.

The three primary management functions of DBMS are supporting processes that can be applied to data, for instance, modification, maintaining the database’s logic structure and managing the storage of information inside the database.


Characteristics of DBMS

  • It uses a digital repository established on a server to store and manage the information.
  • It can provide a clear and logical view of the process that manipulates data.
  • DBMS contains automatic backup and recovery procedures.
  • It contains ACID properties which maintain data in a healthy state in case of failure.
  • It can reduce the complex relationship between data.
  • It is used to support manipulation and processing of data.
  • It is used to provide security of data.
  • It can view the database from different viewpoints according to the requirements of the user.

Advantages of Database Management System

  • Controls database redundancy:- It can control data redundancy because it stores all the data in one single database file and that recorded data is placed in the database.
  • Data sharing:- In DBMS, the authorized users of an organization can share the data among multiple users.
  • Easily Maintenance:- It can be easily maintainable due to the centralized nature of the database system.
  • Reduce time:- It reduces development time and maintenance need.
  • Backup:- It provides backup and recovery subsystems which create automatic backup of data from Hardware and Software failures and restores the data if required.
  • Multiple user interface:- It provides different types of user interfaces like graphical user interfaces, application program interfaces.

What is a Relational Database Management System ?

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is a program that allows you to create, update, and administer a relational database. Most relational database management systems use the SQL language to access the database.

For Examples : MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle DB, SQL Server, etc.

Relational databases are also typically associated with transactional databases, which execute commands, or transactions, collectively. A popular example that is used to illustrate this is a bank transfer. A defined amount is withdrawn from one account, and then it is deposited within another. The total amount of money is withdrawn and deposited, and this transaction cannot occur in any kind of partial sense. Transactions have specific properties.


Characteristics of RDBMS

  • Data entry can be done easily by creating tables.
  • Data entry can be controlled with the help of data validation.
  • Arithmetic operations can be performed on numeric data.
  • Easily develop application software/programs.
  • Based on the data, the required charts or graphs can be created, and interesting reports can be created by adding images.
  • Users can easily exchange information from one database to another database.
  • User can find the required information very easily.
  • Easily create and print reports and labels in various formats.
  • Use the graphical facilities (Object linking and embedding) of Windows to integrate graphics into reports and create graphical data entry forms.
  • Data Data can be easily imported from other programs and relationships can be established with files from other programs.

Advantages of Relational Database Management System

  • Ease of Use:- This is one of the biggest advantages of a relational database; RDBMS has a user-friendly table format, with data being organized according to a natural structure. This also makes it easy to access, and manipulate, and it’s easy to locate entries that match.
  • Network Access:- A software program in the RDBMS is designed specially to catch requests sent over a network, facilitating client-database communication. Users need not log in for accessing or using the database, affording them greater convenience.
  • Language:- RDBMS supports SQL, a standard and familiar language; it has a simple syntax, and uses English phrases and keywords, making it easy to learn and understand. RDBMS also has the capability to insert non-SQL database-centric keywords, features, and functions.
  • Performance:- RDBMS is not intrinsically a fast-performing database, but with the database design, there are several optimizations embedded into it, which actually enhances performance. This eventually translates into fast performance for all data sets and apps.
  • Maintenance:- It is easier to maintain RDBMS as the tech support team or database administrators can control, test, maintain, and perform backup for the databases they have within their main system. The functions are automated via inbuilt automation tools on the operating system in the RDBMS.
  • Multi-Person Access:- We have already seen that multiple users can access the database at the same time. During data change or updating, users can leverage the inbuilt functionality of transaction management and locking for data access.
  • Prevents data Redundancy:- This is one of the most important RDBMS advantages. Data redundancy is prevented as tables with specific data have relations among themselves, and the necessary data is retrieved from prior tables.
  • Privileges and Data Security:- Access to the database is controlled and subject to authentication by the database admin, who has the power to grant or reject access to users. This increases the security of the database.

Database Management System vs Relational Database Management System

Number of operators

DBMS : It allows only a single operator simultaneously.

RDBMS : multiple users can operate concurrently. Uses intricate algorithms that enable several users to access the database while preserving data integrity simultaneously, significantly reducing response time.

Hardware and software need

DBMS : Utilizes fewer data storage and retrieval resources than an RDBMS. The latter is more complex due to its multi-table structure and cross-referencing capability, making it costlier than a DBMS.

RDBMS : RDBMSs are also generally used for enterprise-class applications, while DBMSs are more commonly utilized for smaller, purpose-specific applications.

Data modification

DBMS : Altering data in a DBMS is quite difficult.

RDBMS : You can easily modify data in an RDBMS using an SQL query. Programmers can change/access multiple data elements simultaneously.

Data volume

DBMS : A DBMS is more suitable for handling low data volume.

RDBMS : An RDBMS can handle even large data volumes.

Keys and Indexes

DBMS : A DBMS doesn’t involve keys and indexes.

RDBMS : An RDBMS specifies a relationship between data elements via keys and indexes.

Data consistency

DBMS : As a DBMS does not follow the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) model, the data stored can have inconsistencies.

RDBMS : An RDBMS follows the ACID model, making it structured and consistent.

Database structure

DBMS : A DBMS works by storing data in a hierarchical structure.

RDBMS : An RDBMS stores data in tables.

Data fetching speed

DBMS : In a DBMS, the process is relatively slow, especially when data is complex and extensive. This is because each of the data elements must be fetched individually.

RDBMS : In an RDBMS, data is fetched faster because of the relational approach. Plus, SQL facilitates quicker data retrieval in an RDBMS.

Distributed databases

DBMS : A DBMS doesn’t support distributed databases.

RDBMS : An RDBMS offers full support for distributed databases.

Client-server architecture

DBMS : Not Supported.

RDBMS : An RDBMS supports client-server architecture.


DBMS : Is not present in DBMS.

RDBMS : Is present in RDBMS.

