My experiences with debugging skills, how they contribute to my success so far

prachi kandpal
2 min readMar 14, 2022


Hello Everyone.Today I am going to share “My experience with debugging skills, how they contribute to my success so far”.

We all are programmer and tester in our own life. Most bugs arise from our mistakes that produce undesired results. So, all we need to do is problem solving, debugging and fixing.

Bug and Debug:-

A bug is just one kind of problem that a program can have.In computer technology, a bug is a coding error in a computer program.The process of finding bugs and fixing bugs is called debugging. Debugging starts after the code is written and continues in stages as code is combined with other units of programming to form a software product, such as an operating system or an application.

How do I deal with bugs?

First I always tried to check my arithmetic, syntax , logical error. Then I tried to print my each line of code to check that my each line is working fine or not. Then I tried to search in YouTube, google, and in different platform about the error.

Debugging helps me in running and compiling code successfully . Working continuously on the bugs made programming easy and comfortable for me. This built my confidence, expertise and my practical knowledge with the concept.

Overall my experience with debugging was wonderful. I learnt and growed everyday.

I would like to express my gratitude towards WIT Internship. For this wonderful oppurtunity.



prachi kandpal

Currently I am computer science engineering student in THDC-IHET.