What I learnt this week

prachi kandpal
2 min readFeb 26, 2022


Hello Everyone.

Now a days, I am enrolled in WIT Internship as I mention in my previous blogs. Through this blog I am going to tell about “What I learnt this week”

Anything is possible. Anything can be.

1. What I have learnt from Weekly Milestones:-

From the weekly , daily milestones I learnt how to do work with planning and in time bound. I learnt to follow deadlines on or before time and learnt the way to manage my day.

2. How to put my knowledge and skills into practice:-

Understood the practical application of theoretical concepts read. This week, designed responsive web, survey form. I solved some problem of DSA. I learnt html and CSS and applied them on designing web , survey form.

3. Benefits of teamwork:-

Helping each other, collaborating with members helps in meeting the deadlines.

4. How important good communication is:-

I learned that it’s very important to communicate with my team, mentor to resolve my problems. It makes working easier and working condition favorable . Through Developing good bonds with everyone, I got exposure of their experience and knowledge.

5. Benefits of taking on feedback:-

I got to know about my flaws and corrected it, learnt through others mistakes. It helps in development of road map of my upcoming plans to work on a certain things.

6. Time Management:-

Dividing weekly milestones on daily basis and my day into a set of task to be completed at a particular time. I learnt to follow deadlines on or before time and learnt the way to manage my day.

I express my gratitude to the organisation for this wonderful exposure and industrial experience.



prachi kandpal

Currently I am computer science engineering student in THDC-IHET.