Java For Embedded Systems: An Overview

Prachi Patil
2 min readJan 28, 2017


java training in pune,

Java For Embedded Systems: An Overview

The topic for today’s discussion is Java for embedded systems. Can Java be used to develop embedded systems? Hopefully, we will get an answer to this question at the end of the article. For Java related training and Java jobs in Pune, look for the best Java training institutes in Pune.

Lets now turn our attention towards Java and embedded systems.

Java for embedded systems:

Embedded or real-time systems incorporate every one of those in which timing obliges forced by the world outside of the computer assume a basic part in the design and execution of the system. Basic zones for embedded systems are machine and process control, medicinal instruments, communication, and data acquisition.

An essential source of input for embedded systems are irregular, brief, outside signals. At the point when such signals arrive, the processor must stop whatever else it is doing to catch the data, or it will be lost. Therefore, an embedded program is frequently organized as an arrangement of individual, however cooperating threads of execution. A few threads catch new data, some break down the new data and coordinate it with past data sources, some create the outgoing signals and shows that are the results of the system. Right now, most embedded projects are coded in C, with basic parts potentially in an assembler.

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Leaving aside the execution efficiency, some of the cons of using C for embedded systems are:

1. The permissive nature of C operations.

2. The lack of universal standards for multi-threading, shared data protection and intra-thread communication and coordination.

Use of Java:

The utilization of Java might be distinctive, in any case. We foresee that Java programs for embedded applications will vary from net applets in no less than five noteworthy ways. Embedded applications will be:

1. compiled into the local ISA for the objective hardware.

2. fit for running without a hard or floppy disk, and a network connection.

3.upheld by exceptionally custom fitted, along these lines generally little run-time packages.

4. ready to execute on various processors, if necessary for capacity development.

5. contain noteworthy measures of legacy C code, at any rate amid the move from C to Java.

Details regarding this can be learn’t at a Java programming course in Pune.

