Overcome procrastination: secret code here

Accept who you are today. Practice being the best at being you today.

Prachi Shrivastava
3 min readNov 14, 2019

Are you almost never content with your pace at work? The quantity of research you cover in a few hours? Your background knowledge on a subject? Your vocabulary? Your presentation skills?

Does your program for the day never match up to what you think you deserve to be doing?

Does your mind house you in a different body shape or body color, until you see yourself in the mirror?

Do you feel like you are superior to the reality that your current status and power is bringing you?

Are you chasing the elusive feeling of perfect partnership? Are you never out of reasons for why a committed relationship will make your life grim “at this time”?

This is all so ambitious of you, that it’s counter intuitive. You walk under the constant pressure of never measuring up. You don’t breathe. You suffocate. And then, you procrastinate. I know I do.

Cinematic endings

“This moment is your life” : Omar Khayyam

Back when you felt like the smallest version of yourself, you wound up in an incomplete tale. Since then it has been a wild goose chase. For who you deserve to be.

There is a version of you in your mind’s eye and a version of you before your eyes. You are so caught up in the former that you are neglecting the latter.

How is it that your future is always full of grandeur but you are never ready today? Confidence comes easy to you or you manufacture it by pushing deadlines?

That fairy tale that’s been renting our minds, fellow procrastinator, it is illusory medicine. It will never give us the closure in search of which we drew up its contours.

What will lead to closure though: go out and tell the universe exactly who you are today. Leaving no stone turned in narrating your full story, will get you your happy ending.


“Tu bol apni kahaani” : Tamasha, 2015

When your inner child shrunk into a-millionth of itself it actually didn’t. You misinterpreted events and saw him or her shrink.

Look at you!

Now take a good look at your inner child again. Look at what makes up his or her composition. Look at the lives this child has touched. Look at the child’s soul — and all the things she pines for underneath. Look at all the places in which she shines without changing a single thing. Look.

Is it even possible to shrink a creation that overflows with so much to begin with?

Your child never shrunk. You simply forgot about it and obsessed over the “becomer” in your mind. The forgetting left a void.

Fall in love with your child and give it a chance today. You never accept what a day’s best efforts bring you. So at some point you stop even trying.

Find happiness in that 25-year-old plastic butterfly on your decades old apartment wall. Or change it today. Or feel the joy of its beautiful old wings today for the last time and change it tomorrow.

The world will not let you. It will get to you online or offline. And it will lust you into comparison and self-loathing. So shut out the noise. The world, at best, defines success. But contentment? Only you can provide a definition for that, no one else can.

So at least give yourself your best shot today. Your best shot will keep alive who you are today, and that’s magical.

Life is short and magical, it will be over soon.



Prachi Shrivastava

“I love to write” should read “I love to ideate, to granularly articulate for written consumption and to use these as my primary mode of big impact.”