Practical Finance
2 min readDec 29, 2022

Tips for Stopping Your Impulsive Spending Habits

Are you constantly finding yourself overspending when you go shopping?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone!

It’s easy to get carried away and make impulsive purchases, especially with all the tempting sales and marketing techniques out there.

But fear not, my friend, because I have some tips to help you curb your spending and become a savvy shopper.

First and foremost, it’s important to have a budget in place before you even set foot in a store.

Determine how much you can afford to spend, and stick to it.

This will help you avoid overspending and prevent those buyer’s remorse feelings later on.

Next, make a list of the items you need or want before you go shopping.

This will help you stay focused and avoid adding unnecessary items to your cart.

It can also be helpful to set time limits for yourself — for example, “I will only spend 30 minutes in this store.”

Finally, don’t be afraid to say no to yourself (and to sales associates trying to upsell you).

It’s okay to walk away from a purchase if it doesn’t fit into your budget or if you’re not completely sure you need it.

Trust me, your wallet (and future self) will thank you.

So there you have it — a few simple but effective tips for avoiding overspending on your shopping trips.

Follow us for more budgeting and spending tips!

Practical Finance

Practical finance is all about finding ways to manage your money in a practical and efficient way.