Reena Malik
3 min readJul 21, 2019

INSTAGRAM. I am personally very fond of this App.

There are many brands earning money through Instagram. Do you ever wonder how are they doing so?

Join the best digital marketing institute in Delhi and learn ways to earn through social media.

If you always have the same question in your mind. Then you are in the right place. Today, I am going to discuss the ways of how you can make money through Instagram.

As already mentioned above Instagram is a great way of marketing to your potential customers. And, almost every brand is leveraging this tool.

Do you know Instagram has over one billion monthly active users? Can you see the potential of Instagram? And, if you are not thinking of making money through Instagram. Then, you are missing out an amazing opportunity, surely.

The following are the ways of making money through Instagram:


Affiliate Marketing is when you promote a company’s products and make money each time you make a sale. This works well in Instagram as well.

In Instagram, you can post a catchy picture and with it the link to the company’s products. This is how you make sales through Instagram. It is optional but you can really post the link in your Insta bio as well. As I have seen this works well with Clothes on Insta.


If you have good followers on Instagram than what you can do is you can create a sponsored post on Instagram. But the only condition is that you must have decent followers on Instagram, in short, your image on your account must be good as well (no fake followers, decent engagement rate)

Sponsored content is an Instagram picture or a video with the link of the brand’s products. But do this only when you have something in common with the brand (to show your followers how the brand fits your lifestyle in a better way)


Instagram is a photo-sharing app, you are aware of this, right? So, what you can do is share your High-quality images to companies or to agencies who really need those images.

If you have photography passion in you, why not show it to others? For this also, make sure that you have active and engaged followers in your account. And, you are visible means maintain a relationship with other influencers in your niche.


You are a company? And, not using Instagram in your digital strategies, man you are really missing out something valuable.

In Instagram, you can sell your own services and products. How? Wait, I’ll show you:

CUSTOMER’S PICTURES AND TESTIMONIALS: You have loyal customers. Show your happy customer to the world. Share their pictures, reviews in your account. If they published something in their account, ask permission, and repost them. This is a great way to build a brand on Instagram.

IMAGES AND OFFERS: You company is giving discounts or offers. Or there is some vacancy in your office. Create a catchy image regarding the same (you can use Canva for this purpose). Always keep your page active by sharing contents for your niche. Make the contents relevant to your followers.

VIDEOS: Videos works great on Instagram. Share short videos of your customers speaking about their experience with you. This is another great way of building brand image.


You had enough of Instagram? Now, you no longer wish to keep it.

Make sure your hard work is not wasted. There are numerous sites where you can sell your account. And get money from it.

