Yoga for Sciatica & Nerve Pain

Pradeep Kumar
3 min readApr 10, 2018


“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”

The Bhagavad Gita

Yoga chikitsa is a mind-body arrangement that is used to treat back pain, joint aggravation, body pain, and other musculoskeletal pain caused due to different reasons. Having strong muscles and a toned body make you look and feel awesome, but they also do so much more.

People barely ask “Is yoga good for Sciatica nerve pain?”. This is unfortunate, because yoga is absolutely a successful treatment for various pain and injuries that a person’s body could face in their lifetime.

Yoga chikitsa can thoroughly oust the primary cause of pain and give a lively cure. It can also change someone both physically and mentally. Yoga treatment can be an effective method for complete management of your body.

Yoga treatment is based on remedially balanced yoga stances like spinal extensions. It is helpful for people who sit for long hours at a time. Yoga re-alters the entire musculoskeletal structure. It fixes the disproportions and it moreover fortifies the muscles which are rotted in view of nonattendance of use. The present age experience more stress due to over workload and involved life design.

The survival sense, in any case, is so far a fundamental driving force in our step by step lives where Self-insight of not being late to work, due dates of a wander, work weight, etc impacts us to feel low. Our body and mind end up being ‘tight’ and compacted when we fight to get by in this engaged world.

Yoga treatment helps a person achieve understanding of both their identity and body. It alters your body and makes your mind work determinedly.

What Is Sciatica? & How does Yoga Chikitsa help in treating Sciatica?

Sciatic nerve pain is a sharp, nearly blade or electric-like pain that keeps running down the back of the thigh and leg. In the event that your spinal segment has a dislodged plate, it can infrequently push down on the nerve established in your spine, causing sciatica.

The terrible leg spasm that an outcome is generally more terrible when you move, sit, or sniffle. For a few people, it can also bring about a shivering or torching sensation the length of the leg, much the same as the deadness from pins and needles.

Benefits Of Yoga For Sciatic Nerve Pain

While standard treatment for sciatica is to simply abandon everything to recuperate or to take nonsteroidal calming drugs like headache medicine or ibuprofen for the pain, you do have other non-surgical choices like yoga.

Certain yoga postures can help sciatica nerve pain.

  • Single Leg Twist
  • Standing Back Twist
  • Seated Twist
  • Knee Raise
  • Twisted Lunge
  • Child’s Pose
  • Cat’s Pose

Yoga can likewise make you stress-free and help in development and healing the body. Yoga makes your body more flexible.

However, be certain to start these yoga practices under the supervision of a qualified yoga educator. On the off chance that specific stances are harming, don’t drive yourself to do them as they could worsen your condition.

Check out more valuable information about best treatment for lower back Pain and Sciatica here. Contact us and book your appointment today!



Pradeep Kumar

Working as a Freelancer who is interested in alternative medicine and its benefits.