This is the Funniest Graffiti I Have Ever Seen!

Pradeepa Timmermans
4 min readApr 9, 2020


My husband recently showed me this graffiti a few doors down our street. Once I realised what it was, I laughed and laughed!! If you look closely at the white phallic looking figure, you will see the words ‘magic wand’ written on it’s chest. Ladies, if you don’t know what a ‘magic wand’ is, then today is your lucky day. :) I can’t tell you the brand, but I can tell you that the first ‘magic wand’ came onto the market over 50 years ago as a neck and shoulder massage wand. It’s a very reputable company, and the vibrating head works very well to massage your neck and shoulders. But somewhere along the line, someone must have missed their neck and shoulders, and as the ‘magic wand’ slipped it must have landed squarely on her clit!! How could this happen? I don’t know! But it did, and after that, the wonderful ‘magic wand’ became a vibrator for women, and has been bringing many women much pleasure over the last 50 years! Hence the smiles on the women’s faces in the graffiti. :) Those are smiles of satisfaction and appreciation as the ‘magic wand’ struts along, bringing pleasure with every encounter. This is the true White Knight.

Now, unless you are familiar with the ‘magic wand’, you will not fully comprehend the majestic power of this well weighted device, which looks more like a power tool than a women’s sex toy. That is because this device has the unashamed power of an electric drill, giving the user the sensation of a very small jackhammer. I am not kidding. I purchased my first ‘magic wand’ back in 2013. It weights in at 544g, measures 30cm long with a bulbous head, and has a cord that plugs into the wall. It is not discreet, you can’t fit it into your handbag and it will give you industrial strength orgasms, the like which you have never experienced before. At 6000 vibrations per minute, we are taking this to another level here.

Now, somehow I managed to burn out the motor of my ‘magic wand’ last year. I was most upset, and found batter operated substitutes most unsatisfactory. Mind you, I did get 6 good years out of it, and I gave it a good run for my money! So, I bought myself a new one for my birthday. It was the best birthday present I have ever received! They have updated the ‘magic wand’ in every way. They used to have a photo from the 1960s of a woman using the wand to massage her shoulders. That is no longer there. There is no cord attached anymore, but it has a recharging plug, no need to buy batteries. This makes the ‘magic wand’ more portable, so you don’t have to stay close to a power point, or use an extension lead anymore. There are two more updates they have made that have brought the ‘magic wand’ into the next level.

One, instead of just a low and high setting, the ‘magic wand’ now has 8 settings, with different vibrating patterns. Words cannot describe…. And each of these settings is a winner — strong, bold, robust — no lame settings here my dear. So, more choice, more power. But they have made another change that has seriously hit the spot, so to speak.

OK, the bulbous head used to be made of foam, firm foam. This was very comfortable, but turns out that the foam absorbed a portion of the vibrations. Not good. So they have replaced this foam with soft, pliable, but non-absorbent plastic. When you touch that head, every single vibration is coming through loud and clear — holy moly!! When you go down this road, you have brought out the big guns — bang bang!! Ladies, put this experience on your bucket list. It will be the best $250 you have ever spent. I do believe it is the only thing that will keep us sane during the Corona virus. Don’t be alarmed if you experience some new sensations in your body. For example, I now know that I have hit the peak when my feet start to go numb and I start speaking uncontrollable gibberish! I never saw that one coming! That never happened before. It’s very enjoyable, and also rather entertaining.

There are times we have ended up in hysterical laughter because of my funny reactions to the ‘magic wand’. I’m up for hysterical laughter during sex — why not? Both sex and laughter release wonderful feel good hormones in the body — double hitter! Fantastic for the immune system too, which is what we want right now.

I saw a guy cleaning that graffiti off that wall yesterday. I’m so glad that my husband specifically took me to see that piece of graffiti. He knew I would like it. I want to thank whoever did that piece of graffiti. I got it, and you are funny. I am so glad I photographed it and I can share this big, funny, sexy joke with you all. Share those good vibrations everybody, share those good vibrations. ;)



Pradeepa Timmermans

I am a Melbourne comedian & writer. I like to delve into what’s driving us so we can be more aware and have a good laugh at ourselves!!