Trigger gsutil with Watchman

Pradeep Kumar Singh
Google Cloud - Community
2 min readJul 3, 2022

‘gsutil’ is a tool to transfer files from on-prem to GCS and vice versa. It provides great features like easy to use interface, parallel files transfer, multipart upload etc. It’s a command line tool, that means it needs to be triggered either manually or from some other processes like cron to schedule file transfers.

There are certain use cases where a user wants to upload files to a given GCS bucket as soon as they are written to a given directory. To handle such cases we can run great ‘gsutil’ with watchman inotify loop. Watchman will ensure the trigger of gsutil command as soon as a file is uploaded to a given directory monitored by watchman.

Install Watchman

Use below steps to download and install watchman.

# Download Watchmanwget Install Binaryunzip watchman-*-linux.zipcd watchman-v2022.06.06.00-linuxsudo mkdir -p /usr/local/var/run/watchmansudo cp bin/* /usr/local/binsudo cp lib/* /usr/local/libsudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/watchmansudo chmod 2777 /usr/local/var/run/watchman

Configure Watchman

  1. Create a custom configuration file /etc/watchman.json
touch /etc/watchman.json

2. Create a directory to be monitored by watchman

mkdir ~/upload

3. Configure watchman to monitor upload directory

# Run below command/usr/local/bin/watchman watch ~/upload/
# It will generate output similar to below one
# Output{"version": "20220605.192726.0","watch": "/home/singhpradeepk/upload","watcher": "inotify"}

4. Confirm the directory is being monitored by watchman

# Run below command/usr/local/bin/watchman watch-list
# It will generate output similar to below one
# Output{"version": "20220605.192726.0","roots": ["/home/singhpradeepk/upload"]}

5. Write a script with below content. This script will be executed by watchman to rsync the ‘upload’ directory with GCS bucket.

#!/usr/bin/env bash# Change bucket name with desired value from your environment./usr/bin/gsutil rsync -rdc /home/singhpradeepk/upload gs://sample-bucket

6. Make executable

chmod +x

7. Create a watchman trigger to run this script in order to upload any changes to the monitored directory

# Run below command/usr/local/bin/watchman -j <<-EOT> ["trigger", "/home/singhpradeepk/upload", { "name": "gcs", "command": ["/home/singhpradeepk/"]}]> EOT
# It will generate output similar to below one
# Output{"version": "20220605.192726.0","triggerid": "gcs","disposition": "created"}

7. Test watchman

Now create a file in the ‘upload’ directory and check log file for your environment which should be present at similar location as mine i.e. ‘/usr/local/var/run/watchman/singhpradeepk-state/log’ for transfer logs. Check GCS bucket for confirming successful transfer.

Hope you will use it in your environment to transfer files.

Comments and suggestions are welcome!!



Pradeep Kumar Singh
Google Cloud - Community

Senior Site Reliability Engineer — Google. Views are my own.