Self-Discovery — Spiritual growth, practices and challenges

10 min readFeb 22, 2024

Spiritual Growth

For many, the journey within is intertwined with spiritual growth. This may involve exploring one’s connection to a higher power, the universe, or a broader sense of purpose beyond the material realm.

Spiritual growth is a deeply personal and transformative journey that goes beyond religious affiliations. It involves the exploration and development of the spiritual dimension of life, aiming to connect with a higher purpose, foster a sense of inner peace, and cultivate a deeper understanding of the self and the universe. Here are detailed insights into spiritual growth:

Spiritual growth is the ongoing process of expanding one’s understanding of spirituality, transcending the ego, and connecting with a higher consciousness or divine presence. It encompasses the development of inner qualities, such as compassion, love, and wisdom.

Spiritual growth often begins with self-discovery. Understanding one’s values, beliefs, and the essence of who they are is foundational to the spiritual journey.

Whether conceptualized as a higher power, universal energy, or collective consciousness, spiritual growth involves a deepening connection to something greater than the individual self. The process of spiritual growth often includes…




Author working more on things connecting with life encounters and karma