What is Digital Marketing?

3 min readJun 6, 2022


If you type this question into Google, you’ll find thousands of different answers. For us, digital marketing can be simplified into any form of marketing that uses (or relies on) electronic devices. Often, people think digital marketing needs to be online, but this simply isn’t true. For one thing, radios have been around for many years and they fall into the ‘electronic’ definition.

Therefore, we believe there are two sides to digital marketing:

> Offline


Offline Digital Marketing
●Radio Marketing — Over 100 years ago, the world was shocked when the first ever radio broadcast took place from the Met. Now, a century and hundreds of thousands of radio hours later, the radio is still relevant in society. While some listeners navigated the transition to the internet, others still listen on traditional devices.

For those wondering whether you should still focus your marketing budget on radio, be aware that around half of the population listen to internet radio at least once a month. As long as you understand your market and understand what sort of numbers are likely to hear your ads, there’s no reason why radio marketing can’t form part of your digital marketing strategy.

●TV Marketing — As one of the various types of offline digital marketing, we can’t forget the trusty television. It’s fair to say Netflix and YouTube have contributed to the downfall of live TV, but this isn’t to say it’s entirely useless. According to Statistics, the average American still spends around four hours watching TV per day.
Unfortunately, the downside to TV ads is that they aren’t targeted. During one advertisement, 35,000 could watch yet only 14 be interested. Although this is a dramatic example, it perhaps doesn’t live up to the tools we have to target specific audiences these days.

Online Digital Marketing

●Search Engine Optimization — SEO, is the strategy of creating content in such a way that search engines like Google will rank your page high on the search engine results page (SERP).Google uses algorithms to decide how relevant your page is to the keywords that the user is searching for. These algorithms update frequently, and SEO strategies must be adjusted just as regularly to remain effective.When done properly, SEO efforts will put your page at the top of the SERP and bring in more organic traffic.

● Search Engine Marketing/Pay-per-Click — Search engine marketing, or SEM, refers to paid advertisements that appear at the top of the SERP. The cost of these ads typically depends on the number of clicks the link receives, hence “pay-per-click”. When you pay for these top SERP slots, the “Ad” label will appear next to your URL. Despite consumer knowledge that these are ads, many still click on these links, and it can be a very effective digital marketing strategy.

●Social Media Marketing — With social media marketing, social media platforms are used as a digital marketing channel. Ads can be bought to reach out to a new audience, or you can create a profile for your business on any social media platform and create posts to advertise new products, sales, or freshly published content.




I am Digital Marketer, passionate about helping busy brands and business owners create and maintain an online presence through social profiles and websites.