Why This Book Became The Most Expensive In The world?

Pragnyaan kakati
2 min readAug 19, 2022



In this blog, we are going to learn about the most expensive book on this planet and who brought this costly book.

Name The most expensive book

The most expensive book in the world is none other than the “Codex Leicester” by Leonardo da Vinci. This book was written in 1510 and is a collection of scientific writing by da Vinci.

The Codex name is given after Thomas Coke Who brought this book in 1719.

This book is written in the Italian language.

Who brought it?

This book was brought by Bill Gates the owner and founder of Microsoft. He got it for 30 million dollars back in 1994 Which if we convert it today’s money then it would cost around more than 51 million dollars. It was brought at a journal auction which made it the most expensive book in the world till now.

What’s so special about it?

Written between the years 1506 and 1510, the 72-page notebook provides a rare glimpse inside Da Vinci’s mind, complete with sketches, diagrams, and early iteration ideas.

The Codex Leicester is just one of 30 journals that Da Vinci is believed to have authored but many considered it the most important.

The text is written in Vinci’s famous mirror-image style, meaning that the words are supposed to be read from right to left. The words are written in an antiquated version of Italian, which is translated to touchscreens situated around the exhibit.

The Codex Leicester primarily focuses on Da Vinci’s thoughts relating to water tides, eddies, and dams and the relationship between the moon, the earth, and the sun.

Alex Bortolot told the Star Tribune “It’s not a simple document that records his thought process it's a very messy document in which he developed his ideas”

On that note, I am leaving the final hearing to you that is it worth so or not.

This is Pragnyaan Kakati signing of.

Thank you.


