2.4 Structuring a Retrospective

Agile Retrospectives — by Esther Derby, Diana Larsen (15 / 72)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


👈 2.3 Determining Duration | TOC | 2.5 Selecting Activities 👉

In Chapter 1, Helping Your Team Inspect and Adapt, we laid out a structure: Set the Stage, Gather Data, Generate Insights, Decide What to Do and Close the Retrospective. This structure brings in perspectives from all team members, follows a natural order for processing information, and moves the group toward committed action.

You’ve decided how much time you need to achieve the retrospective goal; now what do you do with that time?

Here’s how it might work for a two-hour retrospective:

| | Set the stage | 5% | 6 minutes |
| | Gather data | 30--50% | 40 minutes |
| | Generate insights | 20--30% | 25 minutes |
| | Decide what to do | 15--20% | 20 minutes |
| | Close the retrospective | 10% | 12 minutes |
| | Shuffle time | 10--15% | 17 minutes |
| | Total | 100% | 120 minutes |

You’ll need time to cover all the phases. Plus, people need time to move from one activity to another, so build in “shuffle time.”

Tip 2: Time for a Break



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