5.2 Activity: Triple Nickels

Agile Retrospectives — by Esther Derby, Diana Larsen (30 / 72)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


👈 5.1 Activity: Timeline | TOC | 5.3 Activity: Color Code Dots 👉

Use this to gather data or as part of the Decide What to Do phase in an iteration, release, or project retrospective.


Generate ideas for actions or recommendations. Uncover important topics about the project history.

Time Needed

Thirty to sixty minutes, depending on the size of the group.


Form small groups. In the groups, each person has five minutes to brainstorm and write down ideas individually. At the end of five minutes, each person passes the paper to the person on his or her right. That person has five minutes to write down ideas that build on the ideas already written on the paper. Repeat until the paper returns to the original writer.


  1. Set up the activity by saying “In this activity, our goal is to generate as many ideas as we can about [topic].” Then explain the process (see the brief description earlier).
  2. Divide the team into small groups, with no more than five in a group. Hand out paper for people to write on. Make sure each person has a pen or pencil. Remind people to write legibly so the next person can read the ideas.
  3. Describe the process: In the first…



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