5.4 Activity: Mad Sad Glad

Agile Retrospectives — by Esther Derby, Diana Larsen (32 / 72)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


👈 5.3 Activity: Color Code Dots | TOC | 5.5 Activity: Locate Strengths 👉

Use this to gather data about feelings in an iteration, release, or project retrospective.


Get the feeling facts out on the table.

Time needed

Twenty to thirty minutes, depending on the size of the group.


Individuals use colored cards or sticky notes to describe times during the project where they were mad, sad, or glad.


Introduce the activity by saying “Let’s look at how we were feeling during this iteration/release/project and discover whether we can track down some of the sources of both satisfying and dissatifying times.”

  1. Draw attention to three posters labeled “Mad”, “Sad”, “Glad” and sample color-coded cards. Put out colored cards/sticky notes where everyone can reach them. Provide markers.
  2. Describe the process, and give the time limit.
  3. “Take __ minutes to write down the times/events on this iteration​/​release​/​project where you were mad, sad, or glad. Write one event or incident per card. Write legibly.”
  4. Give notice when time is up, and invite people to post their cards on the appropriate poster. It’s OK…



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