8.3 Activity: Temperature Reading

Agile Retrospectives — by Esther Derby, Diana Larsen (55 / 72)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


👈 8.2 Activity: Appreciations | TOC | 8.4 Activity: Helped, Hindered, Hypothesis 👉

Use this while setting the stage or closing an iteration retrospective.


Check on “where we’re at.” A practical way to process what is happening for the group ( A Resource Handbook for Satir Concepts [Sch90]).

Time needed

Ten to thirty minutes, depending on the size of the group.


Team members report on what’s happening for them and what they want.


  1. Introduce the activity by saying “Let’s look at what’s happening in our group. You can contribute in any of the sections, but participation is voluntary. The aim is to hear from others, so no commenting on another’s contribution.”
  2. Point to the poster (see Figure 21, ​The Elements of Temperature Reading​) with the parts of the Temperature Reading. Comment on each of the five sections and then allow time for people to comment.
  3. Appreciations are an opportunity to notice how others have contributed and what they bring to the team. Demonstrate the form by offering a sincere appreciation to someone in the group. The form is “[Name of person], I appreciate you for_______________.” Add a brief statement of…



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