Adding the First Subcommand to Your Application

Powerful Command-Line Applications in Go — by Ricardo Gerardi (75 / 127)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


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After initializing the application, use the Cobra generator to add subcommands to it. The generator includes a file in the cmd directory for each subcommand. Each file includes boilerplate code for the subcommand. It also adds the subcommand to its parent, forming the tree-like structure.

Add a new subcommand called hosts to your application to manage hosts in the hosts list. By default, Cobra adds this subcommand to the root command:

​ ​$ ​​cobra​​ ​​add​​ ​​hosts​
​ Using config file: /home/ricardo/.cobra.yaml
​ hosts created at /home/ricardo/

At this point, your application directory looks like this:

​ ​$ ​​tree​
​ .
​ ├── cmd
​ │ ├── hosts.go
​ │ └── root.go
​ ├── go.mod
​ ├── go.sum
​ └── main.go

​ 1 directory, 6 files

Edit the cmd/hosts.go file and change the command’s short description to provide a one-line summary of the command’s purpose. Edit the long description to provide additional information on how to use the command and its suboptions:


​ ​/*​
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