Chapter 11 Deploying APIs

Design and Build Great Web APIs — by Mike Amundsen (81 / 127)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


👈 Chapter Exercise | TOC | The Basics of Deployment Pipelines 👉

Now that we’ve completed our API testing in Chapter 9, Testing APIs, and added OAuth support for security in Chapter 10, Securing APIs, it’s time to package, build, and deploy our API project onto a public server where others can use it. Along the way we’ll take a look at something called pipelines and how they can be used to automate deployment. We’ll also delve a little bit into the DevOps world and learn about three levels of deployment automation. Finally, we’ll use the Heroku cloud platform to set up our own deployment automation using Heroku’s simple command-line tools and a bit of magic from Git to do all the work.

But before we jump into learning how to use Heroku, let’s spend a bit of time on the background challenges of deploying API projects to the cloud and how deployment pipelines can make this easier, safer, and more reliable than just doing it all manually.

👈 Chapter Exercise | TOC | The Basics of Deployment Pipelines 👉

Design and Build Great Web APIs by Mike Amundsen can be purchased in other book formats directly from the Pragmatic Programmers. If you notice a code error or formatting mistake, please let us know here so that we can fix it.



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