Collision Detection

Hands-on Rust — by Herbert Wolverson (57 / 120)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


👈 Adding Monsters | TOC | Wrap-Up 👉

If you run around the map, you’ll notice that nothing happens when you hit a monster. Let’s change that by adding collision detection. You’ll write a combat system in Chapter 8, Health and Melee Combat — for now, walking into a monster will remove it from the dungeon.

Collision detection will be its own system. Add a new file to your project, src/systems/ Don’t forget to add mod collisions; to your src/systems/ file.

Start with a similar pattern:


​ ​use​ ​crate​::​prelude​::*;

​ #[system]
​ #[read_component(Player)]
​ #[read_component(Enemy)]
​​②​​pub​ ​fn​ ​collisions​(ecs: &​mut​ SubWorld, commands: &​mut​ CommandBuffer) {

This system requires access to Point, Player, and Enemy.

Legion can give your system a CommandBuffer. This is a special container to insert instructions for Legion to perform after the system is finished. You’ll use the command buffer to remove entities from the game.

Next, create a variable named player_pos to store the player’s position. You then create the same players query you used in player_input to find just the player’s position. You…



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