Displaying the Current Level on the HUD
Hands-on Rust — by Herbert Wolverson (98 / 120)
👈 Tracking Game Level | TOC | Wrap-Up 👉
Currently, the Heads-Up Display shows the player’s health and current inventory, but it doesn’t indicate the player’s current level. Adding the current level to the HUD can help players feel a sense of achievement when they see the number go up, so let’s add it.
The hud_system handles Heads-Up Display rendering. Open systems/hud.rs, and add the following code (just before you start displaying the player’s inventory):
①let (player, map_level) = <(Entity, &Player)>::query()
.find_map(|(entity, player)| Some((*entity, player.map_level)))
Point::new(SCREEN_WIDTH*2, 1),
③ format!("Dungeon Level: {}", map_level+1),
ColorPair::new(YELLOW, BLACK)
Locate the Player component and entity.
print_color_right right justifies text output. All of the text will appear to the left of the specified coordinates.
format! provides a convenient macro to include the current level in the displayed string. Note that you’re adding +1 to the map level. (Rust programmers tend to start counting at zero, but most people prefer to start…