Install the Protocol Buffer Compiler

Distributed Services with Go — by Travis Jeffery (18 / 84)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


👈 Why Use Protocol Buffers? | TOC | Define Your Domain Types as Protocol Buffers 👉

The first thing we need to do to get you compiling protobuf is — you guessed it — install the compiler. Go to the Protobuf release page on GitHub[4] and download the relevant release for your computer. If you’re on a Mac, for instance, you’d download You can download and install in your terminal like so:

​ $ wget​\​
​ releases/download/v3.9.0/
​ $ unzip -d /usr/local/protobuf

Here’s what the layout and files in the extracted protobuf directory look like:

​ ❯ tree /usr/local/protobuf
​ /usr/local/protobuf
​ ├── bin
​ │ └── protoc
​ ├── include
​ │ └── google
​ │ └── protobuf
​ │ ├── any.proto
​ │ ├── api.proto
​ │ ├── compiler
​ │ │ └── plugin.proto
​ │ ├── descriptor.proto
​ │ ├── duration.proto
​ │ ├── empty.proto
​ │ ├── field_mask.proto
​ │ ├── source_context.proto
​ │ ├── struct.proto
​ │ ├── timestamp.proto
​ │ ├── type.proto
​ │ └── wrappers.proto
​ └── readme.txt

As you can see, a protobuf installation consists of two directories. The bin directory contains the compiler…



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