Make a Plan

Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies — by Tammy Coron (15 / 193)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


👈 Discover Your Idea | TOC | Gather Your Resources 👉

Before you fire up Xcode and write that first line of code, make a plan. Without a plan, you could find yourself in the frustrating position of trying to design your game while also trying to develop it. Sure, it’s possible to throw everything you have at the code — whatever it may be — but it’s almost always better to start with a plan.

To help plan out your games, you can use what’s known as a game design document (GDD). With a GDD, you’ll have a much better idea of the game you’re trying to make.

In addition to the technical specifications of your game, the design document should include:

  • A short description of the game, including the genre.
  • Character bios and/or descriptions of the main characters, enemies, and other key players in the game.
  • Location and/or scene information — especially if your game is story-driven.
  • Any design considerations, concept art, and mock-ups. The GDD is a good place to decide the game’s art style and camera angle.
  • Level design ideas. Are the levels randomly generated or made purposefully? Is your game an endless runner, or are there distinct levels the player must clear before moving on to the next?
  • Music and sound ideas or examples that will help set the tone of…



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