Online Resources

Hands-on Rust — by Herbert Wolverson (9 / 120)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers
1 min readSep 23, 2021


👈 Conventions Used in This Book | TOC | Wrap-Up 👉

Here are some online resources that can help you:

  • Rust by Example provides a good, example-driven introduction to the Rust Language.[1]
  • The Rust Programming Language [KN19] supplies in-depth concepts and tutorials to learn the finer details of Rust. It is also available online.[2]
  • The Rust Standard Library documentation provides detailed descriptions of everything found in Rust’s std library. It is a great reference when you can’t remember how something works.[3]
  • Reddit hosts several useful communities. /r/rust and /r/rust_gamedev are excellent resources. /r/roguelikedev is very helpful for games similar to the dungeon crawler in this book. These subreddits also include links to Discord forums full of people eager to help you.

👈 Conventions Used in This Book | TOC | Wrap-Up 👉

Hands-on Rust by Herbert Wolverson can be purchased in other book formats directly from the Pragmatic Programmers. If you notice a code error or formatting mistake, please let us know here so that we can fix it.




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