Puzzle 1 Ready Player One

Python Brain Teasers — by Miki Tebeka (10 / 40)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


👈 Part 1 Python Brain Teasers | TOC | A Slice of π 👉


​ ​class​ Player:
​ ​# Number of players in the Game​
​ count = 0

​ ​def​ ​__init__​(self, name):
​ self.name = name
​ self.count += 1

​ p1 = Player(​'Parzival'​)
​ ​print​(Player.count)

Guess the Output


Try to guess what the output is before moving to the next page.


This code will print: 0


When you write self.count, you’re doing an attribute lookup. The attribute you’re looking for, in this case, is count.

Getting an attribute in Python is a complex operation. Almost every Python object stores its attributes in a dict called __dict__. Python will first try to find the attribute in the instance dictionary, then in the instance’s class (__class__) dictionary, and then up the inheritance hierarchy (__mro__). Finally, if the attribute you’re looking for is not found, Python will raise an AttributeError.



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