Report Achievement

Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies — by Tammy Coron (158 / 193)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


👈 Report Score to Leaderboard | TOC | Next Steps 👉

Achievements are slightly different in how they are reported, as they require a bit more code than leaderboard score reporting. First, switch back to the GameKitHelper.swift file.

You’ll start by creating a new class. You could put this new class in a file of its own, but because there’s only one achievement in Hog Dice, you’ll add it to the GameKitHelper.swift file instead.

Above the delegate extension mark, add the following code:


​ ​class​ ​AchievementsHelper​ {
​ ​static​ ​let​ achievementIdFirstWin = ​""​

​ ​class​ ​func​ ​firstWinAchievement​(didWin: ​Bool​) -> ​GKAchievement​ {
​ ​let​ achievement = ​GKAchievement​(
​ identifier: ​AchievementsHelper​.achievementIdFirstWin)

​ ​if​ didWin {
​ achievement.percentComplete = 100
​ achievement.showsCompletionBanner = ​true​
​ }
​ ​return​ achievement
​ }
​ }

Here, you’re creating a static property to hold the Achievement ID (remember to update that value to match your Achievement ID). You’re then creating a GKAchievement object and setting its properties depending on whether the player won the game.

Now, in the GameKitHelper class, just below the method that reports the player’s score, add…



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