Use App Store Connect to Add a New App

Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies — by Tammy Coron (152 / 193)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


👈 Add Game Center Capability Using Xcode | TOC | Add a Leaderboard 👉

To work with Game Center, you first need to set up an app in App Store Connect. Log in to your Apple Developer[47] account, and you’ll see something like this:


On the left side of the screen (listed with the other Program Resources), click App Store Connect. Alternatively, you can log in to App Store Connect using its direct link.[48] In either case, you’ll end up at the App Store Connect home page:


Before moving forward, you may first need to accept the agreements,[49] specifically the Paid Applications agreement. You also may need to enter the tax and banking information for the account holder. Once you have signed the agreements, you can add users and assign roles.

Adding a Sandbox Tester Account

To test Game Center features, you need at least one user account and one sandbox tester account.[50] With a single sandbox tester account, you can test your leaderboards and achievements…



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