MEMO-01: Artificial Dreams


Archibald Ludendorf

Phenomenon of artificial dreams is very common between targeted individuals. It becomes painfully obvious that at least some dreams are artificial for the following reasons:

  • same personalities and voices that harass you during the day, appear in the dreams, even if in different roles
  • depending of the stage of the procedure, events in the dreams line up with events in real life
  • operators sometimes demonstrate their control of surroundings and events in the dream
  • occasionally dream predicts the events of the next day
  • dreams are used to manipulate the condition of the subject, which corresponds to the general situation
  • voices of operators are much more clear and loud in a dream, making an impression that this is the primary communication channel for them, or that signal is somehow stronger in sleep mode
  • there is a strong impression that there is some bank of memory within our consciousness that operators use as their “stash”. This is the place where most of the dreams go, as well as some memories, and operators can leave you access to the dream at will

The process of dreaming is phenomenal and understudied even for your regular human. TIs sometimes experience them to a bizarre degree.

It is clear that operators use some kind of isolated dream-space where they can manipulate objects and surroundings, and also actors, some of which are dummies but others are actually played by them, self-inserting in the dream under any chosen appearance, including your family or friends, whom they can imitate perfectly.

They are able to limit or even replace your memories in the dream, making you feel like a completely different person and not realizing you’re in a dream. But also they can make it a “double decker” dream when you fall asleep inside a dream into a different dream, and there it’s like a lucid dreaming where you are actually aware you’re in a dream, and aware of who you are. Everything feels very real in this type of dream. There you can actually talk with your operators, though for a short time, and rarely they communicate anything useful or even true.

There are various degrees to the “lucidity” of the dream. For example, one might be able to control surroundings himself but not realizing he’s dreaming.

In the intense phases of the harassment procedure, the target can experience 3–4 dreams per night, being awakened at some point, but not stripped of dream memories, so he can analyze and remember them. In the less intense periods it can be one or even no dreams at all. Lack of dreams is especially noticeable when operators “take a break”, creating an impression of change in plans or backing off for a bit.

We assume that artificial dreams serve several purposes:

  1. Influencing psychological state of the subject, setting his mood for a day by certain dreams that make him feel good or bad, aroused, depressed et cetera, depending on the goals of the operators, or installing a call to action or a line of actions.
  2. Gauging and measuring instant reactions of the subject to the certain stimuli, in the various made up situations where he doesn’t realize he’s being tested, up to extreme scenarios of death, rape, torture or witnessing such events from aside.
  3. Interactions with access to a locked memory bank (where dreams are hidden on awakening, as well as other memories you aren’t meant to keep, like some childhood traumas and supernatural encounters).
  4. Communication of certain messages using a common signal system (“prophetic dreams”), vague but at the same time shaped enough to influence the subject’s conscious decisions. Sometimes a dream has the form of a parable that takes meaning only after awakening and pondering on the contents (which is why it’s always important to write your dreams down).
  5. Influencing the physical state of the subject. Not exactly related to dreams in a sense of information, but more to the sleeping itself. It’s often that the subject feels either exhausted or unusually rejuvenated after the sleep, some trauma may go away while other appears. It’s not even impossible that some kind of physical access to the subject happens during the dreaming, as well as during more paranormal “time loss” spans.

In general, artificial dreams are so common between TIs that it’s fair to assume that all dreams are artificial at least to some degree, even with people who don’t consider themselves TI.

Regarding the hidden memory bank, many TIs report having prolonged discussions in their dreams with their operators, and while they vaguely remember the fact of having the discussion and the general feel of it, they can’t recall the contents, though inside the discussion it feels like it’s not only one of the many they had before, but also that the contents of the previous discussions were accessible to them.

It is especially curious that those talks are normally very calm and civilized between the target subject and the operators, despite the strained, often hysterical confrontation during the day between the very same individuals. It makes us wonder if there is another bottom to the whole issue or if the target is artificially pacified during those times. What is more important is the conclusion that the subject can be given access to his hidden memory bank by the operators, in separate parts and chained memories.

Real memories, similar to the dreams, can be placed in the memory bank as well, some forever and some for a while. Author of this memo experienced several memories given back to him during the harassment procedure, including close UFO contact.

So far there is no way of establishing the manner of communication between our consciousness and the operators during sleep, but it would be fair to assume that it’s the same channel that is used during the day. The fact that the sound is much more clear in dreams can indicate that we are somehow “closer” to them in our sleep. Is our consciousness extracted and placed elsewhere during sleep? Or is it the opposite, and we’re being inserted in our bodies from elsewhere during the day, while normally we aren’t even inside our bodies? There are some hints that suggest that, but that’s another subject.



PRAG (Phenomena Research & Assessment Group)

PRAG focuses primarily on research of Gangstalking and Targeted Individuals phenomena, with focus on achieving results and getting answers