Celebrate That Mistake!

Your Mistakes are a Necessary Stop on the Road to Success

Prahalad Rajkumar
2 min readNov 3, 2022


Photo by Daniela Holzer on Unsplash

The world does a spectacularly good job of chastizing you for your mistakes.

You don’t need to add to the criticism. Yet, most people are not kind to themselves. It starts innocently by being hard on oneself for making a mistake. Before they realize it, people hate themselves.

Mistakes are inevitable. It is a part of being human. Beating ourselves up for something inevitable is silly, isn’t it? Yet, all of mankind responds violently to mistakes.

There is no need for us to join the crowd and beat ourselves up for making mistakes.

Yes — we will identify mistakes and correct them. But beat ourselves for it? Nope.

I offer a counterintuitive life hack to help make peace with mistakes.

Celebrate Your Mistakes.

Don’t Make the Same Mistake Twice

One of the perks of playing bridge is I get a chance to meet people who have made it big in life.

I asked a successful person for life advice. “Mistakes are acceptable. Intelligent people take care not to make the same mistake twice.”



Prahalad Rajkumar

Top Writer in Books| Software Professional | Bridge Player | Interested in unique outlooks on life| Questioning the definitions society expects us to follow.