Forgive Yourself Liberally

So That You Can Move Ahead

Prahalad Rajkumar
2 min readNov 17, 2022
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Everyone makes mistakes.

The truly dumb mistakes you think only you are capable of making — sorry to burst your bubble, but you are not alone.

You have plenty of company.

  • The nice girls choose the worst of men. Only to go ahead and repeat it a second and third time.
  • Making questionable investments and compounding the issue by making a second or third mistake.
  • Not giving our best efforts.
  • A thousand ways to inflict self-sabotage.

You name it, and you will have good company.

We Are Our Hardest Critic

We are our hardest critics.

Which is good in some respects— we push ourselves to be the best version we can be. The flip side paints an ugly picture.

Low self-esteem.

The absence of self-love.

Believe in everyone else except ourselves.

As with all aspects, a middle ground is the answer.

We should push ourselves to succeed, yes, but we should also shower ourselves with self-love.

If we don’t treat ourselves with love, how can we expect others to do so?

Guilt Can Be Debilitating

Guilt is a debilitating emotion.

It can hold us back from the future.

It can make us refuse to get out of bed.

It can make us scared to look at the mirror.

It can lead to depression.

Nothing good can come from guilt.

Louise Hay’s Mirror Exercises

Louise Hay asks her students and readers to look into the mirror and say “I love you” repeatedly to that beautiful soul in front of the mirror.

Uncomfortable as it may be, it is a first step towards rediscovering self-love.

Loving ourselves is rather important — our self-worth determines how we approach the world.

Let Us Forgive Ourselves Liberally

The future awaits us.

Let us forgive ourselves for all the dumb things we’ve done.

Let us celebrate that mistake.

Let us march forward and live a full life.



Prahalad Rajkumar

Top Writer in Books| Software Professional | Bridge Player | Interested in unique outlooks on life| Questioning the definitions society expects us to follow.