Prahlad: The Boy Who Chose Virtue Over His Father

What is in a Name?

Prahalad Rajkumar
2 min readSep 13, 2022


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“Prahalad — What a lovely name.”

I’ve received this compliment several times in my life. Bhakta Prahlad was a mythological figure whose story is inspirational. He opposed his father and chose virtue.

Going against your father is not an easy thing to do. Especially if your father is the king. An evil king. And especially if you are a small boy.

When Prahlad was in his mother’s womb, Sage Narada taught the fetus to pray to Lord Vishnu. After he was born, Prahlad became a staunch devotee of Lord Vishnu. There was only one fly in the ointment: Prahalad’s father, the evil king Hiranyakashipu hated Lord Vishnu.

Hiranyakashipu asked his entire kingdom to worship him. When he sent Prahlad to school, Prahlad refused to worship Hiranyakashipu and instead instructed his fellow students to worship Lord Vishnu.

This enraged Hiranyakashipu. He made several attempts to take Prahlad’s life. He tried burning Prahlad. He tried poisoning him. He tried trampling him with a pack of wild elephants.

None of it worked. The Lord protects His staunch devotees.

Finally, the Lord assumed the form of half-lion and half-man, a terrible form, and killed Hiranyakashipu.

So there you go — I was named after this remarkable boy who took the difficult route — he chose virtue over his father.

That is why I have a “lovely name”.



Prahalad Rajkumar

Top Writer in Books| Software Professional | Bridge Player | Interested in unique outlooks on life| Questioning the definitions society expects us to follow.