Achieve more without working longer

Prahalad Madepally
2 min readMar 12, 2020


Attributes that help you get more done

We all have a long to do list to complete, while we set out with the right intentions to have the list of things to be completed by the end of the day, we hardly ever accomplish that. Here are a few things that helped me along the way to help accomplish the tasks that I have set out to achieve. Sometimes I do tend to get distracted and hardly get anything done. It is always my constant endeavor to follow these guidelines.

Plan your time

Planning your time by the hour helps you get a sense where you stand during various times of the day and also helps create a sense of urgency when you fall back. No matter how well we plan, there are unplanned things that crop up, so make sure that you allocate some time for unplanned work, this helps you achieve the tasks as planned.

Keep your phone on silent

During work, avoid taking calls and allocate some time for returning the calls back. We think they may be urgent but majority of the time they can wait. This may be a little difficult initially but once you put into practice it becomes much simpler.

Keep interactions with colleagues to an absolute minimum

Your colleagues may want to discuss things with you, try and keep these discussions at a planned time. You may soon realize that when you reach back to them they would have solved it in most cases. Though it might offend them initially but you will soon notice that, they get to understand you and follow the time accordingly.


Discipline is the key to achieve your desired goals, once you set your mind to achieving them, though you might fail initially, you are bound to succeed as you move further.

Habit is a cable; we weave a thread of it each day, and at last we cannot break it — Horace Mann


Once you achieve your tasks, you would have a sense of accomplishment, making you feel good about yourself and confident. You would radiate this sense of good feeling to your friends and family and there by making them feel better.



Prahalad Madepally

Focused on solving problems with technology & enjoying the journey, while never giving up.