Attributes that I wish to build in my child

Prahalad Madepally
2 min readMar 21, 2020



In this well connected world with social media, it very important to build an ability in kids where they don’t compare themselves with others instead bring out the unique talents that they have got. This requires both parents and teachers to identify their strengths and constantly put an effort to build and nurture these strengths.

While children are struggling to be unique, the world around them is trying all means to make them look like everybody else — Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

Life long learner

We know change is constant, jobs that exist today could could vanish in 20 years time or maybe less. By involving kids from an early stage to do research and discover would make them life long learners where they could be upgrading their skills based on the changing environment.

Caring or helping others

Building a habit of giving or caring for others helps build empathy in children from a very early stage. Small acts of kindness such as giving away unused /excess toys, clothes and stationary helps them build an understanding of people who are less privileged and start appreciating what they have. As they grow up to become adults, their future roles or actions would be inspired by these acts of kindness.

Celebrating success of others

This is a very important attribute that can be taught to children by being examples to them in real life. Parents have to set an example for children to follow. Building an ability in the child to celebrate the success of his/her friend helps in building leadership traits. This can only happen if the child is confident about himself/herself.

Sense of purpose

Children have to be filled with dreams and possibilities and always reminded that they need to do something great. They also have to be challenged if they could solve some of the most difficult challenges faced by humanity. Children have to be nurtured with a sense of purpose in their lives, so that they know where their north star is and get back to it, if they ever get distracted.

Caring for the environment

As we all know, climate change is one of the biggest challenge faced by humanity. We need to start the change at home by educating children on the importance of conserving electricity, water, recycling waste and avoiding unnecessary purchases. This would help build a new generation of young leaders who would think and act on environment in each of their actions.


Parents play a vital role in building child’s values, kids imitate their parents, as parents its important to impart them with good values. This also means that we need to change some of our behaviors that we are not proud of, there by we can become good role models for our children.



Prahalad Madepally

Focused on solving problems with technology & enjoying the journey, while never giving up.